WIU Libraries Trivia Contest

Find out what it's about!
Librarians usually provide the answers at the Malpass Library Reference Desk; this time they want YOU, the students, to answer a few questions about WIU. If you do, you could win a $50 gift card for either iTunes or the University Union Bookstore!
Just call, IM, or drop by the Malpass Library Reference Desk between August 24th and September 5th, 2009, and answer a trivia question about WIU; it's as simple as that. The more questions you answer correctly, the greater your chances of winning. Winners will be notified on Tuesday, September 9th. Only currently-enrolled students are eligible.
And hey, remember us when you need to ASK a question!
For more information please visit the link given above, call the Reference Desk at 309-298-2700, or email Jeanne Stierman
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