A Viewing and Discussion of the Film The Rape of Europa

The Western Illinois University Libraries are sponsoring a viewing and panel discussion of the award-winning documentary The Rape of Europa on Wednesday, February 4, 2009, at 7:00 pm in the Sandburg Theater of the University Union.
The film presents the story of the theft, and sometimes destruction, of artwork by the Nazis during the period up to and including World War II. During this time artwork was routinely pillaged from both museums and individuals, especially Jewish individuals. The film also analyzes ongoing efforts to return pieces of art to the original owners, among them Holocaust survivors.
The discussion following the film will feature expert commentators from Western, including Dr. Keith Holz of the Department of Art, Dr. Roberta Di Carmine of the Department of English & Journalism, and WIU President Dr. Al Goldfarb. Admission is free and open to the public.
For more information please contact the University Libraries at 309-298-3014.
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