WIU Music Library Celebrates Messiaen Centennial

December 10, 2008 marked the centennial of the birth of French composer Olivier Messiaen and music aficionados the world over are celebrating his life and music. Messiaen, who died in 1992, was one of the 20th century's greatest composers and is known, among other things, for the influence of birdsong on his music.
The Western Illinois University Music Library, located in Sallee Hall, is honoring Messiaen through the end of January 2009 with a display featuring musical scores, recordings of his music, and writings about the composer. Additionally, library patrons may listen to Messiaen recordings via the Naxos and Classical Music Library electronic resources and find articles about him using electronic databases.
For more information please contact Rod Sharpe, music librarian, at 309-298-1105 or
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