Community Libraries in Our Time

A Daylong Program in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, June 16, 2009, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Libraries have long been centerpieces in their communities, providing information, adult educational programs, children’s activities, and a host of other services to local citizens. While many small towns and their libraries face difficult challenges today, they also have opportunities to work together in new ways to improve the quality of life in their communities. This daylong program will help librarians, public officials, economic developers, and concerned citizens understand how libraries can use new technology and volunteers, as well as existing resources, to build a two-way portal between the community and the world at large. Speakers will discuss the history of libraries in their communities and offer case studies of how libraries are working closely with businesses, schools, local governments, and the public. A table fair in the afternoon will offer participants the chance to network with each other and with experts to learn about opportunities such as global ties to rural communities, managing libraries during times of economic uncertainty, volunteer recruitment, and interaction with local businesses and municipal agencies. A wrap-up discussion will conclude the program.
The program is sponsored by Learning Is ForEver (LIFE), University Libraries, the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs, and Alliance Library System.
The registration fee is $15.00, which includes a box lunch. Permit parking will be available for this event. For more information contact Kathy Nichols at 309-298-2717 or
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