Lecture by Dr. Reginald Adkisson

Perceptions of criminal behavior by both the perpetrators themselves and society at large will be the subject of a lecture by Dr. Reginald Adkisson entitled "Mirror, Mirror: How Society Sees Criminals, How They See Themselves" on Tuesday, February 10, 2009, at 3:00 pm in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, room 180.
Dr. Adkisson earned his Ph.D. at Wichita State University and is Assistant Professor and Clinical Psychologist in Western's Department of Psychology. He has extensive research and therapy experience working with individuals about their views of criminal behaviors. His lecture will focus on perceptions of antisocial behavior by two incarcerated individuals, one a serial killer and the other a former member of a criminal gang.
The lecture is free and open to the public and is sponsored by the Western Illinois University Libraries.
For more information contact WIU Libraries at 309-298-3014.
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