2005 Library News Archive
Biological Abstracts Now Online
(December 2005)
Biological Abstracts
is now available online through the Western Illinois University Libraries.
Fast Food Nation Resources
(September 2005)
Librarian Bill Thompson has created an online study guide that highlights the vast array of library and other resources available on the topics covered in the book read by all incoming freshmen: Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser.

Hiding and Seeking Documentary
(September 2005)
The University Libraries will be showing the award winning documentary "Hiding And Seeking" on Wednesday, September 28 at 7:15pm in the University Union's Sandburg Theatre. Benefits will go towards the purchase of additional films for the University Libraries Holocaust Media Collection. Admission is $5 for students and $10 for the general public. Dr. Alvin Goldfarb, WIU President and Holocaust Scholar, will lead a brief discussion of the documentary afterwards.

U.S. Constitution Exhibit
(September 2005)
In celebration of Constitution Day (September 16), an exhibit highlighting the U.S. Constitution and its development is currently on display on the 4th Level of Malpass Library. An online bibliography of constitutional resources has also been compiled.

Search Databases Simultaneously
(August 2005)
The WIU Libraries have acquired a new technology that enables users to search multiple library databases simultaneously. All databases within a specific subject category may be selected or the user may choose to search from a list of available database titles.
WIU Acquires SFX Linking Service
(August 2005)
Look for buttons in many WIU library databases. They will lead you to full-text articles and additional services.

WIU Authors Bibliography Now Online
(August 2005)
As part of WIU Libraries' 2005 WIU Authors Recognition event, Kate Joswick created a bibliography of faculty and staff publications that encompasses the calendar year 2004. Entries for the bibliography were solicited from Deans and Chairs.
Books on China Memorialize Doris Craig Brown
(July 2005)
Books on all aspects of China, especially in the "description and travel" area have been added to the Malpass Library collection in memory of Doris Craig Brown.
WIU Alumni & Library Friends Gateway
(July 2005)
The WIU Libraries have established a resource designed to serve the needs of WIU Alumni and Library Friends.
Award-Winning Student Workers
(May 2005)
Three student workers at the WIU Physical Sciences Library recently received special awards recognizing outstanding work, leadership, and academic excellence.
WIU Library Faculty at ACRL
(April 2005)
Several WIU library faculty members recently participated in the National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries.
New Database Trials!
(April 2005)
The WIU Libraries are currently considering the purchase of new electronic databases. WIU users are encouraged to join librarians in evaluating these databases.
New TracFed Database!
(February 2005)
TracFed provides a vast range of information about federal enforcement activities -- criminal, civil, and administrative -- as well as detailed information about federal staffing, federal funds, and the diverse characteristics of counties, federal districts, and states. More advanced web-tools allow users to conduct tailor-made analyses of specific subsets ("data slices") they want to examine in depth. An essential factor in gathering the data is TRAC's systematic and informed use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Alumnus, UPenn Law Librarian to Speak
(February 2005)
John William (Bill) Draper, a 1980 Western Illinois University alumnus and a law librarian at the University of Pennsylvania, will speak on Internet searches and legal research during a visit to the Western-Macomb campus Tuesday, Feb. 22.

Macomb Native/Jazz Genius: Al Sears
(February 2005)
Sterling Kernek, WIU Emeritus Professor of History, will speak on Al Sears, the noted jazz musician and Macomb Native on February 4th, at 12:15 p.m. in the Sandburg Lounge of the WIU Student Union. Sponsored by the WIU Libraries, McDonough Historical Society, University Women and the Student Honors Association, the talk discusses Sears' childhood years in Macomb, then moves quickly to his long career as a jazz musician, recording artist, record producer, record label owner and music industry executive.

Position Announcement [FILLED]
(January 2005)
The University Libraries announce the new position of Electronic Resources/Reference Librarian. This tenure track position is available July 1, 2005.
Position Announcement [FILLED]
(January 2005)
The University Libraries announce the new position of Endowed Professor in Icarian and Regional Studies. This tenure track position is available July 1, 2005.

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