2004 Library News Archive
Persistent Article Links
December 2004
The Libraries now offer a "Persistent Link" feature enabling WIU users to establish virtually permanent links to articles and/or citations found in 50 full-text library databases. Use Persistent Links to create syllabi, online bibliographies, pathfinders and other research and teaching tools. After establishing a Persistent Link, use the library's new Link Converter to make the resource available for all WIU users (even from off-campus!). Learn how to create Persistent Links...

RSS Library News Service
November 2004
The website of the WIU Libraries now offers RSS (Really Simple Syndication) newsfeeds to help users stay current with important library news and information. A popular web technology based on the XML format, RSS feeds provide timely updates from sites such as Yahoo!, MSNBC and other leading information providers. more...

Announcing Complete Remote Access
November 2004
Continuing to meet the research needs of distance learners, the WIU Libraries have implemented a new remote authentication system to facilitate access to the library's online resources. Virtually all of the library's 100+ subscription databases are now available to WIU users around the world.

Featured Database: Value Line Now Online
October 2004
The WIU Libraries recently acquired online access to the Value Line Investment Survey, one of the most widely used independent investment information services in the world. Its up-to-date, weekly issues provide a comprehensive reference covering some 1,700 equity issues.

Libraries Acquire Gerritsen Women's Collection
October 2004
The WIU Libraries recently acquired access to "The Gerritsen Collection: Women's History Online, 1543-1945." This new full-text database provides unparalleled access to materials documenting women's history around the world. This online resource delivers two million page images exactly as they appeared in the original printed works.

John Hallwas Retirement Reception
September 2004
A retirement reception for John Hallwas, English and Library Archives, was held September 23, 2004 in the Union Lamoine Room. Among other recognitions, Macomb Mayor Mick Wisslead presented Hallwas with the Illinois Humanities Council's 2004 Studs Terkel Humanities Service Award and President Al Goldfarb presented Hallwas with the Distinguished Professor Emeritus Award.

Libraries Participate in Democracy Exhibit
September 2004
Be sure to visit the Western Illinois University Art Gallery before September 23 to view and participate in Joel Seahs mixed media, and interactive artworks based on the campus theme Now is the TimeCivic Engagement.
The WIU Libraries and the Macomb Public Library are active participants in the development of Seahs interactive Reclaimed exhibit, which is presented in conjunction and in support of the Universitys participation in the American Democracy Project.

Register to Vote!
September 7, 2004
The American Library Association has teamed up with Working Assets to urge voter registration throughout the country and to promote libraries as the ideal place to access a wealth of helpful voter education resources during this and future election seasons. Simply follow the instructions, print out the form and mail it to your local election officials. Deadline for registration is October 5, so make sure you mail yours in early to get your voter registration card before the election!

September 11 Resources
September 2004
Librarians Chuck Malone and Bill Thompson have compiled a list of selected library and web resources concerning the attacks of September 11 and related events.

New Toll Free Library Number
August 2004
The Libraries are pleased to announce a new toll-free telephone number that WIU distance learners throughout Illinois and the United States may use to contact the main Reference Desk at Malpass Library. Dial 1-800-413-6544 to contact reference faculty and assistants who are available during regular service hours to help you find information and make the most efficient use of the library's resources.

Libraries Acquire JSTOR Arts & Sciences II and Music Collections
July 2004
The WIU Libraries have enhanced their participation in the widely acclaimed JSTOR (Journal Storage) initiative through the acquisition of the Arts & Sciences II and Music collections.
The Arts & Sciences II Collection adds depth to many disciplines introduced in Arts & Sciences I, such as economics, history, and Asian studies. Arts & Sciences II also offers core journals in several new disciplines, such as archaeology, classics, and African, Latin American, Middle Eastern, and Slavic studies.
The Music Collection contains the complete back runs of 32 titles dedicated to scholarly research and theory in the field of music. This international collection includes journals published in the Netherlands, Croatia, Hungary, Germany and France.
JSTOR archives back issues of core scholarly journals in electronic format. This saves library shelf space, assures journal preservation, and provides improved access to significant academic scholarship in the Arts and Sciences. JSTOR content is searchable, viewable, printable, downloadable, and is stored indefinitely. Most major research institutions in the United States have become JSTOR participants. Because of licensing agreements with publishers, JSTOR provides access to articles no newer than 2-5 years old. JSTOR holdings (over 270 titles) are available to all WIU students, faculty, and staff from any campus computer (or via WIU Network Dial-ins).

New Library Website Launched!
July 28, 2004
The library Web Task Force invites you to visit the new website of the WIU Libraries. Totally re-built, the site was constructed to better serve the information needs of the university community.
New features include:
- Fresh, new look!
- Quick and easy frontpage searchboxes for ILLINET and the Periodicals Holdings List (journals/magazines/newspapers)
- Improved library database access descriptions, and customized display features (e.g., (FirstSearch, InfoTrac, Lexis Nexis)
- Totally redesigned forms (e.g., Interlibrary Loan, Ask a Question)
- Improved site navigation (e.g., info bar across header of each page; new footer with context-specific contact info)
- Database-driven design (via PHP and MySQL)
- conforms to the W3 Consortium's HTML, CSS, WAI Accessibility standards, and Bobby Section 508 standards
- Updated library news section
- new site map with accompanying Google site search
- ...and much more!
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions about the new site!

New Database Trials Page
March 2004
Database vendors periodically offer free trials for defined time periods. See recent database offerings and send your comments or recommendations.
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