The Turner Manuscript

In November 2010 WIU’s School of Music received an anonymous donation of a rare and valuable late seventeenth-century manuscript book of English cathedral music associated with the name of William Turner (1651-1740), a leading figure of the Restoration music scene. After preliminary research, a number of issues raised as to the provenance and significance of the manuscript resulted in a day-long symposium being held on the WIU campus in March, 2013. A group of distinguished scholars gave presentations. This website encompasses all the data associated with the manuscript, together with some of the possible solutions to the questions it poses.
This manuscript proves to be a unique document now able to take its place in the body of primary sources that serve to enhance the understanding and appreciation of William Turner and Restoration service music.
The Manuscript and Sources:
- Biographical sketch of William Turner
- Scan of the Turner Manuscript
- Scan of the transcription in modern notation
- Scan of Turner’s anthem “Try me O God” from the Gostling part books at York Minster
- Correspondence related to the manuscript
- The connection with John Bumpus
Symposium Proceedings:
- Symposium prospectus
- Symposium recital
Symposium presentations:
- Anita Hardeman
- Nicholas Temperley
- Robert Shay
- Bryan White
- Stacey Jocoy
- Panel discussion
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