Bloomin' in the library
Here's what is blooming in the Malpass Library for the month of July

Orchid or Dutchman's Pipe Cactus; "Queen of the Night"
Epiphyllum oxypetalum
Cactaceae Family
Location: Fourth Floor, Government Information
This genus is native to the tropics from Mexico to Brazil (Encyclopedia of Horticulture), although other sources say Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. The Orchid Cactus blooms only at night for one night. This plant, which was donated by Dr. Marietta Loehrlein, a retired Professor from Agriculture, bloomed on the night of June 28, 2015. The video is a series of time-lapse photographs taken as the plant was opening from 7:00 - 11:00 PM.
Blossoms appear on modified stems that look like flat leaves. They do best when they are root bound in a warm place. Propagation is achieved by leaf cuttings.
For more information contact:
- Linda Zellmer
- 298-2723
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