Mormon and Mormon-era Nauvoo Books

Held in the WIU Special Collections:
- Adams, Henry. Charles Francis Adams Visits the Mormons in 1844. 1952. E 165 .A32 1952.
- Allen, James B. The Presidents of the Church: Biographical Essays. 1986. BX 8693 .P74 1986.
- Allen, James B. Trials of Discipleship: The Story of William Clayton, A Mormon. c1987. BX 8695 .C35 A78 1987.
- Anderson, Devery S. and Gary James Bergera. The Nauvoo Endowment Companies, 1845-1846: A Documentary History. Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books, 2005. BX8685.N3 N38 2005
- Andrew, Laurel B. The Early Temples of the Mormons: The Architecture of the Millennial Kingdom in the American West. 1977. NA 4829. M67 A53 1978.
- Andrus, Hyrum Leslie. Joseph Smith: The Man and the Seer. 1960. BX 8695 .S6 A72 1960.
- Arrington, Leonard J. American Moses. 1986. BX 8695 .Y7 A85 1986.
- Arrington, Leonard J. Brigham Young: American Moses. 1985. BX 8695 .Y7 A85 1985.
- Austin, Emily M. Mormonism: Or, Life Among the Mormons: Being An Autobiographical Sketch, Including An Experience of Fourteen Years of Mormon Life. 1882. BX 8645 .A87 1882.
- Bachman, Danel W. A Study of the Mormon Practice of Plural Marriage Before the Death Of Joseph Smith. 1975. BX 8641 .B33 1975.
- Backenstos, Jacob B. Proclamation Number 1. 197? BX 8615 .I3 B3 1845a no. 1.
- Backenstos, Jacob B. Proclamation Number 2. 197? BX 8615 .I3 B3 1845a no. 2.
- Backenstos, Jacob B. Proclamation Number 3. 197? BX 8615 .I3 B3 1845a no. 3.
- Backenstos, Jacob B. Proclamation Number 4. 197? BX 8615 .I3 B3 1845a no. 4.
- Backenstos, Jacob B. Proclamation Number 5. 197? BX 8615 .I3 B3 1845a no. 5.
- Bateman, Newton. Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and the History of Hancock County. 1921. F 547 .H2 B3 Vol. 2.
- Bateman, Newton. Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and the History of McDonough County. 1907. F 547 .M13 B3.
- Belisle, Orvilla S. The Prophets: Or, Mormonism Unveiled. 1855. BX 8645 .B441 1855.
- Bell, Sydney. Wives of the Prophet. c1935. PS 3503 .E3797 W5 1935.
- Bennett, John C. The History of the Saints: Or, An Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism. 1842. BX 8645 .B45 1842.
- Blake, Reed. Twenty Four Hours to Martyrdom. c1973 (1980 printing). BX 8695 .S6 B5 1973.
- Blum, Ida. Nauvoo, An American Heritage. 1969. F 549 .N37 B53.
- Blum, Ida. Nauvoo, Gateway to the West. 1974. F 549 .N37 B533.
- A Book of Commandments For the Government of the Church of Christ, Organized According to Law On the 6th of April, 1830. 1972. BX 8628 .A3 1833a.
- Book of Doctrine and Covenants: Carefully Selected From the Revelations of God, and Given In the Order of Their Dates. 1978. BX 8628 .A4 1978.
- Bowles, Samuel. Across the Continent: A Summer's Journey to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific States, with Speaker Colfax. 1868. F594 .B76 1868.
- Bowles, Samuel. Our New West: Records of Travel Between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean. Over the Plains--Over the Mountains--Through the Great Interior Basin--Over the Sierra Nevadas--To and Up and Down the Pacific Coast. With Details of the Wonderful Natural Scenery, Agriculture, Mines, Business, Social Life, Progress, and ProspectsIncluding a Full Description of the Pacific Railroad; and of the Life of the Mormons, Indians, and Chinese. 1869. F594 .B78.
- Brodie, Fawn McKay. No Man Knows My History. 1945. BX 8695 .S6 B7.
- Brooke, John L. The Refiner's Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844. 1996. BX 8643 .C68 B76 1996.
- Brown, S. Kent, Donald Q. Cannon, Richard J. Jackson, ed. Historical Atlas of Mormonism. c1994. G1021 .E42 H5 1994 (oversize).
- Burgess, S.A. The Early History of Nauvoo: Together With a Sketch of the People Who Built This Beautiful City and Whose Leaders Suffered Persecution and Martyrdom For Their Religion's Sake. 192? F 549 .N37 B87 1920 z.
- Cannon, Donald Q., comp. The Wisdom of Joseph Smith. c1983. BX 8609 .S6 C3.
- Cannon, Janath Russell. Nauvoo Panorama: Views of Nauvoo Before, During, and After Its Rise, Fall, and Restoration. c1991. F 549 .N37 C36 1991.
- Carr, Robin L. Freemasonry and Nauvoo, 1839-1846. 1989. HS 537 .I3 C37 1989.
- Caswall, Rev. Henry. The Prophet of the Nineteenth Century: or, the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Mormons, or Latter-Day Saints: To Which Is Appended, an Analysis of the Book of Mormon. 1843. BX 8611 .C279 1843.
- Clarke, C.H. Mormonism Unveiled; Or, a History of Mormonism From Its Rise to the Present Time. 1855. BX 8645 .M6.
- Clarke, S.J. History of McDonough County, Illinois. 1878. F 547 .M13 C5.
- Clayton, William. William Clayton's Journal: A Daily Record of the Journey of the Original Company of "Mormon" Pioneers From Nauvoo, Illinois to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. c1973. F 826 .C6 1973b.
- Cochran, Robert M. History of Hancock County Sesquicentennial Edition. 1968. F 547 .H2 H57.
- Collection of Sacred Hymns: for the Church of the Latter-Day Saints, A / Selected by Emma Smith. 1973. (Reprint of the 1835 edition.) BV 420 .S6 5 1973.
- Colvin, Don F. A Historical Study of the Mormon Temple at Nauvoo, Illinois. 1962. BX 8643 .T4 C72 1962.
- Conyers, Josiah B. A Brief History of the Leading Causes of the Hancock Mob, In the Year 1846. 1846. BX 8615 .I3 C66 1846a.
- Cook, Lyndon W., comp. Nauvoo Deaths and Marriages, 1839-1845. c1994. F 549 .N37 C66 1994.
- Corbett, Don Cecil. Mary Fielding Smith, Daughter of Britain: Portrait of Courage. 1966. BX 8695 .S72 C6 1966.
- Crider, Kenneth Gordon. Rhetorical Aspects of the Controversies Over Mormonism in Illinois. 1980. BX 8615 .I3 C75 1956a.
- Crowther, Duane S. The Prophecies of Joseph Smith. c1983. BX 8695 .S6 C7 1983.
- Cumming, John. The Pilgrimage of Temperance Mack. 1967. BX 8695 .M26 C8 1967.
- Daniels, William M. Correct Account of the Murder of Generals Joseph and Hyrum Smith at Carthage on the 27th Day of June, 1844. 1845. F 550 .M8 D18 1845.
- Davis, George Turnbull Moore. An Authentic Account of the Massacre of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, and Hyrum Smith, His Brother: Together With a Brief History of the Rise and Progress of Mormonism, and All the Circumstances Which Led to Their Death. 1844. BX 8615 .I3 D3 1844a.
- Descendants of Joseph Senior Smith. 1994? CS 71 .S65 1994.
- Dewey, Richard Lloyd. Porter Rockwell: A Biography. 1988. BX 8695 .R6 D49 1988.
- Dickerson, Theodore Earl. Conflicts Between the Mormons and Non-Mormons, Nauvoo, Illinois, 1839-1846. 1956. BX 8615 I3 D53.
- Dougall, Lily. The Mormon Prophet. 1899. PS 3507 .O75 M6.
- Draper, Maurice L. The Founding Prophet: An Administrative Biography of Joseph Smith, Jr. c1991. BX 8695 .S6 D73 1991.
- Ehat, Andrew F., and Lyndon W. Cook, ed. The Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph. 1991. BX 8695 .S6 W67 1991.
- England, Breck. The Life and Thought of Orson Pratt. 1985. BX 8695 .P69 E54 1985.
- Esplin, Ronald K. The Emergence of Brigham Young and the Twelve to Mormon Leadership 1830-1841. 1981. BX 8695 .Y7 E87 198. (microfilm.)
- Evans, John Henry. Joseph Smith, An American Prophet. 1933. BX 8695 .S6 E85 1933.
- Evidence Taken On the Trial of Mr. Smith: Before the Municipal Court of Nauvoo, on Saturday, July 1, 1843, Respecting the Late Persecution of the Latter Day Saints, in the State of Missouri, North America. 1843? BX 8615 .M8 S64 1843a.
- Fales, Susan L., comp. Mormons and Mormonism In U.S. Government Documents: A Bibliography. 1989. BX 8635 .2 .F3 1898.
- Federal Writers' Project of Illinois, Works Progress Administration. Nauvoo Guide. 1939. F 549 .N37 F5.
- Ferris, Benjamin G. The Mormons at Home; With Some Incidents of Travel From Missouri to California, 1852-3. 1856. F 826 .F39.
- The First Hundred Years: A Century of Progress of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 1935. BX 8611.F57 1935.
- Flanders, Robert Bruce. Nauvoo: Kingdom on the Mississippi. 1965. F 549 .N37 F55.
- Foster, Lawrence. Religion and Sexuality: Three American Communal Experiments of the Nineteenth Century. 1981. HX 654 .F67.
- Fullmer, John S. Assassination of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, the Prophet and the Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 1855. F 550 .M8 F9.
- Furnas, J.C. The Devil's Rainbow. c1962. PS 3556 .U76 D4.
- Gayler, George R. A Social, Economic, and Political Study of the Mormons in Western Illinois, 1839-1846: A Re-Evaluation. 1955. BX 8615 .I3 G3 1955a.
- Gibbons, Francis M. Brigham Young, Modern Moses, Prophet of God. 1981. BX 8695 .Y7 G53 1981.
- Givens, George W. In Old Nauvoo: Everyday Life In the City of Joseph. c1990. F 549 .N37 G58 1990.
- Givens, George W. Nauvoo Fact Book: Questions and Answers For Nauvoo Enthusiasts. 2000. BX 8615 .I3 G58 2000.
- Godfrey, Kenneth W. Causes of Mormon Non-Mormon Conflict in Hancock County, Illinois, 1839-1846. c1967. F 547 .H2 G6 1967A.
- Golding, Robyn Pearl. A Research Aid to the Original Legal Records of Latter-Day Saint Leaders in Hancock County. 1993. Archives BX 8607 .G64 1993.
- Goodrich, E.S. Mormonism Unveiled, the Other Side From an American Standpoint. 1884. BX 8645 .G66 1884.
- Gregg, Thomas. History of Hancock County, Illinois: Together With an Outline History of the State, and a Digest of State Laws. 1880. F 547 .H2 G8.
- Gregg, Thomas B. The Prophet of Palmyra: Mormonism Reviewed and Examined in the Life, Reviewed and Examined In the Life, Character, and Career Of Its Founder, From "Cumorah Hill" to Carthage Jail and the Desert. Together With a Complete History of the Mormon Era in Investigation of the "Spalding Manuscript" Theory of the Origin of the Book of Mormon. 1890. BX 8645 .G8 1890.
- Griffith, Will and Katharine Griffith, ed. Historic Nauvoo: A Descriptive Story of Nauvoo, IllinoisIts History, People, and Beauty. 1941. F 549 .N37 H5.
- Griffis, Ted A. The Legal Struggles of Early Mormonism. 1998. Archives BX 8611. G75 1998.
- Gunnison, John William. The Mormons, or, Latter-Day Saints, in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake: A History of Their Rise and Progress, Peculiar Doctrines, Present Condition, and Prospects, Derived From Personal Observation: During a Residence Among Them. 1856. BX 8611.G8.
- Hallwas, John E. Western Illinois Heritage. 1983. Archives F 547 .W27 H3 1983.
- Hallwas, John E. and Roger D. Launius. Cultures in Conflict: A Documentary History of the Mormon War in Illinois. 1995. Archives F 550 .M8 C85 1995.
- Hampshire, Annette P. Mormonism in Conflict, the Nauvoo Years. c1985. BX 8615 .I3 H36 1985.
- Hampshire, Annette P. Mormonism in Illinois, 1839-1847: A Study of the Development of Socio-Religious Conflict. 1979. BX 8615 .I3 H36 1979b (microfilm).
- Harrington, Virginia S. Rediscovery of the Nauvoo Temple: Report on the Archaeological Excavations. 1971. NA 5235 .N3 H3 1971.
- Haven, Jesse. Celesti Al Marriage, and the Plurality of Wives. BX 8641 .H38 1888a.
- Hill, Donna. Joseph Smith, the First Mormon. 1977. BX 8695 .S6 H54.
- Hill, Gustavus. Map of the City of Nauvoo: Drawn Principally From the Plats of Original Surveys. c1971. G 4104 .N25 1842 .H5 1971.
- Hill, Marvin S. Quest For Refuge: The Mormon Flight From American Pluralism. 1989. BX 8615 .N69 H55 1989.
- Hinckley, Gordon B. What of the Mormons? : A Brief Study of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 1953. BX 8635 .H5 1953.
- Hinckley, Gordon B. Truth Restored: A Short History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day. c1979. BX 8611. H56 1979.
- History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. (volumes 1-8) 1978. BX 8611.A3
- History of McDonough County, Illinois. 1885. F 547 .M13 H6.
- Hobart, Chauncey. Nauvoo and Deseret. 1854. BX 8645 .H63 1854.
- Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel. Old Mormon Nauvoo and Southeastern Iowa: Historic Photographs and Guide. c1991. F 549 .N37 H65 1991.
- Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel. Women of Nauvoo. c1992. BX 8615 .I3 H65 1992.
- Howells, Rulon S. The Mormon Story: A Pictorial Account of Mormonism. c1957. BX 8638 .H64 1957.
- Hunt, James H. Mormonism: Embracing the Origin, Rise and Progress of the Sect, with an Examination of the Book of Mormon, Also Their Troubles in Missouri, and Final Expulsion From the State/ With an Appendix, Giving an Account of the Late Disturbances in Illinois, Which Resulted in the Deaths of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. 1844. BX 8611 .H805.
- Huntress, Keith Gibson, ed. Murder of an American Prophet: Events and Prejudices Surrounding the Killing of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, Carthage, Illinois, June 27, 1844: Materials For Analysis. 1963? BX 8611.H83.
- Hyde, Orson. Speech of Elder Orson Hyde: Delivered Before the High Priest's Quorum in Nauvoo, April 27th, 1845, Upon the Course and Conduct of Mr. Sidney Rigdon, and Upon the Merits of His Claims to the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 1845. BX 8695 .R56 H92 1845a.
- Illinois Volunteers in the Mormon War: The Disturbances in Hancock County, 1844-1846. c1997. F 550 .M8 G44 1997.
- Index of Times and Seasons. (volumes 1-6) 1986. BX 8601 .T55 1986 Supplement.
- Ivens, Virginia Wilcox. Yesterdays: Reminiscences of Long Ago. 191?. F 629 .K33 I95 1910z.
- In Memoriam: Thomas Coke Sharp. 1894? F 547 .H208 S52 1894.
- Jackson, Joseph H. A Narrative of the Adventures and Experience of Joseph H. Jackson in Nauvoo. 1960. BX 8615 .I3 J3.
- Jacob, Udney Hay. The Peace Maker. c1975. BS 680 .M35 J331 1975.
- Jones, Arthur Rulon. A Historical Survey of Representative Recreation Activities Among the Mormons of Nauvoo, Illinois, 1839-1846. 1990. BX 8643 .R3 J6 1970a.
- Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible: A Complete Parallel Comparison of the Inspired Version Of the Holy Scriptures and the King James Authorized Version. 1970. BX 8630 .A2 1970.
- Kennedy, James Henry. Early Days of Mormonism: Palmyra, Kirtland, and Nauvoo. 1888. BX 8611 .K42.
- Kimball, Heber Chase. President Heber C. Kimball's Journal: Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-Day Saints. 1882. BX 8695 .K5 A3 1882.
- Kimball, Stanley Buchholz, comp., Sources of Mormon History In Illinois, 1839-1848: An Annotated Catalog of the Microfilm Collection at Southern Illinois University. 1966. Z 7845 .M8 K5 1966.
- Kimball, Stanley Buchholz. Heber C. Kimball: Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer. c1981. BX 8695 .K5 K55.
- Launius, Roger D. Joseph Smith III: Pragmatic Prophet. c1988. BX 8678 .S6 L38 1988.
- Launius, Roger D. Joseph Smith, Jr.'s Red Brick Store. c1985. F 549 .N37 L38 1985.
- Launius, Roger D., and John E. Hallwas. Kingdom On the Mississippi Revisited: Nauvoo In Mormon History. c1996. Archives BX 8615 .I3 K38 1996.
- Launius, Roger D. and Linda Thatcher, ed. Differing Visions: Dissenters In Mormon History. c1994. BX 8645 .5 .D54 1994.
- Launius, Roger D. and Linda Thatcher, ed. Mormon History. c1994. BX 8645 .5 .D54 1994.
- Law, William. William Law: Biographical Essay, Nauvoo Diary, Correspondence, Interview. 1994. BX 8695 .L38 A3 1994.
- LeSueur, Stephen C. The 1838 Mormon War in Missouri. c1990. BX 466 .L47 1990.
- Linn, William Alexander. The Story of the Mormons: From the Date of Their Origin to the Year 1901. c.1902. BX 8611 .L5 1923.
- Luke, Kenneth Otto. Nauvoo, Illinois, Since the Exodus of the Mormons, 1846-1973. 1973. F 549 .N37 L83.
- Lundwall, N.B. The Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith: Being a Compilation of Historical Data on the Personal Testimony of Joseph Smith, His Greatness, His Persecutions and Prosecutions, Conspiracies Against His Life, His Imprisonments, His Martyrdom and the Attitude of His Followers Who Also Endured and Passed Through Many of These Experiences. c1952. BX 8695 .S6 F3 1952.
- Lyne, T. A. A True and Descriptive Account of the Assassination of Joseph and Hirum Smith, The Mormon Prophet and Patriarch: At Carthage, Illinois, June 27th, 1844. 1844. BX 8695 .S6 L95 1844a.
- Madsen, Carol Cornwall, ed. In Their Own Words: Women and the Story of Nauvoo. c1994. BX 8615 .I3 I52 1994.
- Marquardt, Michael. The Rise of Mormonism: 1816-1844. Longwood, FL: Xulon, 2005. BX8611 .M247 2005
- Mayhew, Henry. The Mormons; or Latter-Day Saints: A Contemporary History. 1852. BX 8611 .M3 1852 1971r.
- McGavin, Elmer Cecil. The Mormon Pioneers. 1947. BX 8611 .M4 1947.
- McGavin, Elmer Cecil. Nauvoo, the Beautiful. 1946. F 549 .N37 M15 1946.
- McGavin, Elmer Cecil. The Nauvoo Temple. 1962. BX 8685 .N3 M3.
- McKean, Shirley Neal. Nauvoo of the Mormon Era. 1933. F 549 .N37 M34 1933a.
- McKiernan, F. Mark. The Voice of One Crying In the Wilderness: Sidney Rigdon, Religious Reformer, 1793-1876. 1971. BX 8695 .R56 M3 1971.
- McMurdie, Maughan W. City of Joseph [sound recording]. c1976. Archives MD 1505 .M324 C5 1976.
- McMurdie, Maughan W. City of Joseph: A Historical Musical of Nauvoo. c1976. Archives M 1505 .M324 C5 1976.
- McRae, Joseph A. Historical Facts Regarding the Liberty and Carthage Jails. c1954. BX 8615 .M8 M3 1954.
- Miller, David E. Nauvoo: The City of Joseph. 1974. F 549 .N37 M5.
- Miller, David E. Nauvoo: The City of Joseph. 1996. F 549 .N37 M5 1996.
- Mulder, William, ed. Among the Mormons: Historic Accounts by Contemporary Observers. 1958. BX 8611 .M79 1958.
- Nauvoo, "Beautiful Place," Welcomes You. 1960-. F 549 .N37 N37.
- Nauvoo, Ill. Municipal Court. Evidence Taken on the Trial of Mr. Smith: Before the Municipal Court of Nauvoo, on Saturday, July 1, 1843, Respecting the Late Persecution of the Latter Day Saints, in the State of Missouri, North America. 1843? BX 8615 .M8 S64 1843a.
- Newell, Linda King. Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith, Prophet's Wife, "Elect Lady," Polygamy's Foe, 1804-1879. 1984. BX 8695 .S515 N48 1984.
- Oaks, Dallin H. Carthage Conspiracy: The Trial of the Accused Assassins of Joseph Smith. 1975. KF 223 .W53 02 1975.
- O'Harra, A.W., comp. A Brief History of Nauvoo: When the Mormons Were Here and Also During the Days of the French Icarians With a Synopsis of the City Today. 1938? F 549 .N37 B74 1938.
- Paget, Becky. The Belle of Nauvoo: A Novel of Love and Betrayal. c1994. PS 3566 .A3373 B45 1994.
- Page, John E. and L. R. Foster. Correspondence Between Joseph Smith, the Prophet, and Col. John Wentworth, Editor of The Chicago Democrat and Member of Congress from Illinois, Gen. James Arlington Bennet, of Arlington House, Long Island, and The Honorable John C. Calhoun, Senator from South Carolina. In Which is Given, a Sketch of the Life of Joseph Smith, The Rise and Progress of the Church of Latter Day Saints, and Their Persecutions by the State of Missouri: With the Peculiar Views of Joseph Smith, in Relation to Political and Religious Matters Generally; To Which is Added A Consise Accounty of the Present State and Prospects of the City of Nauvoo. 1844 BX 8695 .S6 A48 1844a
- Palmer, Richard F. Brigham Young: The New York Years. 1992. BX 8695 .Y7 P34 1992.
- Persuitte, David. Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon. c1985. BX 8627 .P43 1985.
- Poll, Richard Douglas. History and Faith: Reflections of a Mormon Historian. 1989. Archives BX 8611 .P64 1989.
- Poll, Richard Douglas. Quixotic Mediator: Thomas L. Kane and the Utah War. c1985. Archives F 826 .P64 1985.
- Pollock, Gordon Douglas. In Search of Security: The Mormons and the Kingdom of God on Earth, 1830-1844. 1989. BX 8611 .P645 1989.
- Porter, Larry C. and Susan Easton Black. The Prophet Joseph: Essays on the Life and Mission of Joseph Smith. c1988. BX 8695 .S6 P76 1988.
- Powers, Abram. Sunshine and Shadows: Or the Life and Early Adventures of A. Powers. 1895. F 547 .M13 P68.
- Pratt, Parley P. Autobiography of Parley Parker Pratt: One of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Embracing His Life, Ministry and Travels, With Extracts, In Prose and Verse, From His Miscellaneous Writings. 1970. BX 8695 .P7 A295 1970.
- Quinn, D. Michael. The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power. 1994. BX 8611 .Q56 1994.
- Reid, James MacArthur. Sketches and Anecdotes of the Old Settlers, and New Comers, the Mormon Bandits and Danite Band. 1876. F 621 .6 .R45 1876.
- Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Book of Doctrine and Covenants: Carefully Selected From the Revelations of God, and Given in the Order of Their Dates, 1947. BX 8628 .A4 1947.
- Revised Laws of the Nauvoo Legion, From the Constitution of the United States. 1844. F 549 .N37 N38 1844a.
- Riley, Woodbridge. The Founder of Mormonism: A Psychological Study of Joseph Smith, Jr. c1902. BX 8695 .S6 R5 1903.
- Roberts, B.H. The Rise and Fall of Nauvoo. 1900. BX 8615 .I3 R62 1900.
- Salisbury, Winfield W. The History of the Don Carlos Salisbury Family. 1998. (Don Carlos Salisbury was the third son of Catherine Smith Salisbury, sister of Joseph Smith). CS 71 .S17 1998.
- Schindler, Harold. Orrin Porter Rockwell: Man of God, Son of Thunder. 1993. BX 8695 .R6 S32 1993.
- Shields, Steven L. An Illustrated History of Nauvoo. c1992. F 549 .N37 S55 1992.
- Skousen, W. Cleon. The Story of the Mormon Pioneers. 1947. BX 8611 .S42 1947.
- Smay, Nancy Martha. The Impressions Joseph Smith and the Mormons Made On Illinois Newspaper Editors From 1839-1846. 1966. Archives BX 8611 .S43.
- Smith, Andrew F. The Saintly Scoundrel: The Life and Times of Dr. John Cook Bennett. c1997. BX 8695 .B375 S55 1997.
- Smith, Elbert A. Timbers For the Temple; A Story of Old Nauvoo In Days of Her Glory. 1922. PS 3537 .M352 T5 1922.
- Smith, Joseph. A Book of Commandments, For the Government of the Church of Christ/ Organized According to Law On the 6th of April 1830. 1972. BX 8628 .A3 1833a.
- Smith, Joseph. Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of the Latter Day Saints Carefully Selected From the Revelations of God. 1971. BX 8628 .A3 1971.
- Smith, Joseph. Joseph Smith Tells His Own Story. 19--? BX 8695 .S6 S6 1900z.
- Smith, Joseph. The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith. c1984. BX 8695 .S6 A362 1984.
- Smith, Joseph. The Prophet Joseph Smith's Views On the Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States. 1886. E 178 .6 .S65 1886A.
- Smith, Joseph, trans. The Book of Mormon. 1842. BX 8623 1842.
- Smith, Joseph Fielding. Essentials In Church History: A History of the Church From the Birth of Joseph Smith to the Present Time, With Introductory Chapters On the Antiquity of the Gospel and the "Falling Away". 1979. BX 8611 .S67 1979.
- Smith, Joseph Junior. The Book of Mormon: An Account Written By the Hand of Mormon, Upon Plates Taken From the Plates of Nephi. 1970. BX 8623 1830 1970.
- Smith, Lucy Mack. Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet and His Progenitors For Many Generations. 1908. BX 8695 .S6 S64 1908.
- Smith, Lucy. History of Joseph Smith By His Mother, Lucy Mack Smith With Notes and Comments By Preston Nibley. 1958. BX 8695.S6 S63 1958.
- Smucker, Samuel M. ed. The Religious, Social, and Political History of the Mormons: Or Latter-Day Saints, From Their Origin to the Present Times; Containing Full Statements of Their Doctrines, Government and Conditions, and Memoirs of Their Founder, Joseph Smith. c1881. BX 8611 .M3 1881.
- Snider, Cecil A. Development of Attitudes in Sectarian Conflict: A Study of Mormonism in Illinois in Contemporary Newspaper Sources. 1933. BX 8615 .I3 S63.
- Snow, Eliza Roxey. The Nauvoo Poems of Eliza R. 1989. BX 8609 .S66 1989.
- Spencer, Orson. Letters Exhibiting the Most Prominent Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: In Reply to William Crowel. 1879. BX 8635 .S6 1879.
- Stegner, Wallace Earle. The Gathering of Zion: The Story of the Mormon Trail. c1981. F 592 .S78 1981.
- Stenhouse, Thomas B. The Rocky Mountain Saints: A Full and Complete History of the Mormons, From the First Vision of Joseph Smith to the Last Courtship of Brigham Youngand the Development of the Great Mineral Wealth of the Territory of Utah. 1873. BX 8611 .S8 1873.
- Sweeney, John. A History of the Nauvoo Legion in Illinois. 1974. F 549 .N37 S94 1974a.
- Taves, Ernest H. Trouble Enough: Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. 1984. BX 8695 .S6 T38 1984.
- Taylor, John. Witness To the Martyrdom: John Taylor's Personal Account of the Last Days of the Prophet Joseph Smith. c1999. BX 8695 .T3 A3 1999.
- Taylor, Samuel Woolley. Nightfall at Nauvoo. 1971. BX 8615 .I3 T39 1971.
- Telford, John. Nauvoo. 1997. F 549 .N37 T45 1997.
- Turner, Jonathan Baldwin. Mormonism In All Ages: Or the Rise, Progress, and Causes of Mormonism; With the Biography of Its Author and Founder, Joseph Smith, Junior. 1842. BX 8611 .T8.
- Van Alfen, Nicholas. Orrin Porter Rockwell: Mormon Frontier Marshal. c1971. (1974 printing). BX 8695 .R6 V3 1971.
- Van Wagoner, Richard S. Sidney Rigdon: A Portrait of Religious Excess. 1993. BX 8695 .R56 V36 1994.
- Ward, Maria. Female Life Among the Mormons: A Narrative Of Many Years' Personal Experience. 1855. BX 8641 .W34 1855.
- Webb, Robert C. The Case Against Mormonism: A Plain Discussion and Analysis of the Stock Allegations and Arguments Against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and Its Founder, Joseph Smith, With the Intention of Determining Their Evidential Value, Also Their Actual Significance To the Claims Made For the System of Teaching and Practice, Popularly Known As "Mormonism". 1915. BX 8635 .W4 1915.
- West, Ray Benedict. Kingdom of the Saints: The Story of Brigham Young and the Mormons. 1957. BX 8611 .W4.
- Whitney, Orson F. Life of Heber C. Kimball: An Apostle, the Father and Founder of the British Mission. 1967. BX 8695 .K W4 1967.
- Whitney, Orson F. The Mormon Prophet's Tragedy: A Review of an Article By the Late John Hay. 1905. F 550 .M8 W6 1905.
- Winkler, Phillip B. Mormon Nauvoo in Jacksonian America. c1992. F 549 .N37 W55 1992b.
- Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph, The. 1991. BX 8695 .S6 W67 1991.
- Wyl, W. Joseph Smith, the Prophet, His Family and His Friends: A Study Based On Facts and Documents/ With Fourteen Illustrations. 1886. BX 8645 .W9 1886.
- Young, Ann Eliza (Webb). Wife No. 19: The Story Of a Life In Bondage, Being a Complete Expose of Mormonism, and Revealing the Sorrows, Sacrifices and Sufferings of Women in Polygamy, With a Full Description of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, and Execution of John D. Lee. 1877. BX 8641 .Y7 1877.
- Youngreen, Buddy. Reflections of Emma: Joseph Smith's Wife. c1982. BX 8695 .S6 Y69 1982.
- Zobell, Albert L. Sentinel in the East: A Biography of Thomas L. Kane. c1965. F 826 .K27 Z6 1965.
The above list is not a formal bibliography. Instead, it is a concise listing of many of the Mormon-related materials located in the Archives and Special Collections Unit at WIU and is intended to be used as a checklist.
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