Teacher Education

Educator Preparation

Mandated Reporter Training

Pursuant to the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA), the State Superintendent has indicated that student teachers are mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect when acting in their professional or official capacity.

All teacher education candidates must complete the online training the semester they apply to student teach. Allow 60-90 minutes on a computer attached to a printer so that the certificate can be printed at the time training is finished.  https://www.dcfstraining.org/manrep/index.jsp . When asked "Which mandated reporter category best fits your role" answer "other" "student teacher" "Name of Employer" "WIU" "City of Employer" "Macomb".

A copy of the certificate must be submitted to the Office of Teacher Education along with the mandated reporter status form.

 Contact Us

If you have questions relating to field experiences, contact:

Lisa Litchfield
Coordinator University Field and Student Clinical Experiences
Horrabin Hall 40
(Office) 309-298-2117

 Macomb School Faculty Form