College of Education & Human Services

Matthew Beck, Ph.D., LCPC, NCC, ACS
Associate Professor
Counselor Education Graduate Coordinator
School Counseling Clinical Coordinator
Department: Counselor Education and College Student Personnel
Office Location: QC Complex Bldg C, Room 2413
Academic Programs: MSEd in School Counseling, MSEd in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Research Areas: Clinical supervision training of school counselors; School counselor-administration relationships; Professional identity development of school counselors; Districtwide school counseling program alignment.
Phone: 309-762-9481
About Me
As an Associate Professor in the Department of Counselor Education and College Student Personnel, I teach courses in school counseling, clinical counseling skill development, and practicum/internship. I joined Western Illinois University-Quad Cities in August 2015.
I received my Ph.D. in Rehabilitation and Counselor Education with a specialization in Counselor Education and Supervision from The University of Iowa in 2017. Before joining WIU-QC, I worked in public education for 12 years as a teacher and professional school counselor at the elementary, middle, and high school settings in Illinois.
My research interests are informed by my previous school counselor practice, which encompass how school counselors and administrators collaborate and partner on school counseling program alignment and the clinical supervision training of school counselors. I am also interested in the professional identity development of school counselors and the intraprofessional collaborations between district school counseling teams.
Ph.D. Counselor Education and Supervision University of Iowa |
2017 |
M.S.Ed. School Counseling Western Illinois University - Quad Cities |
2008 |
B.S. Music Education University of Iowa |
2000 |
- COEHS Student Advisory Board Highly Impactful Faculty Award - Western Illinois University (Spring 2022)
- Association for Counselor Education and Supervision - Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program (2017)
- Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Issues in Counseling (ALGBTIC) - National Graduate Student Award (2015)
- Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education (GLSEN) - National Educator of the Year (2013)
Research and Publications
Journal Articles
- Beck, M. J., Lane, E. M. D., & Dodson, A. (2021). Using acceptance and commitment therapy to support a multi-tiered system of school counseling supports. Journal of School Counseling, 19(31). http:/
- Wikoff, H. D., Lane, E. M. D., & Beck, M. J. (2021). “We need to feel safe”: Experiences of Gifted LGBTQIQ Students and Implications for School Counselors. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 15(3), 268-289.
- Gallo, L. L, Rausch, M. R., Beck, M. J., & Porchia, S. (2021). Elementary school counselors’ experiences with suicidal students. Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling, 7(1), 26-41.
- Beck, M. J., & Wikoff, H. D. (2020). “Professional development is really key”: Experiences of school counselors engaging in professional development focused on LGBTQ youth. Professional School Counseling, 24(1). 1-11. 10.1177/2156759X20952062
- Beck, M. J. (2020). “It began with me”: An exploration of exemplary school counselor and principal experiences with LGBT students. Journal of LGBT Youth, 17(4), 432-452.
- Simons, J. D., & Beck, M. J. (2020). Sexual and gender minority identity development: Recommendations for school counselors. Journal of School Counseling, 18(20). 1-30. Retrieved from
- Simons, J. D., Chan, C. D., Beck, M., & Asplund, N. (2019). Using the emancipatory communitarian approach to increase LGBTQI advocacy. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 31(4), 458-475.
- Beck, M. J., Lane, E. M.D. (2019). Exploring effective practitioner Advocacy: A study of ASCA’s School Counselor of the Year (SCOY) finalists.Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 6(2). 174-187.
- Beck, M. J., & Wikoff, H. D. (2019). LGBT families and school community partnerships: A critical role for school counselors. Journal of School Counseling, 17(5). Retrieved from
- Beck, M. J., Meyer, C. A, Means, A. Isaacson, L. A., (2018). Interdisciplinary collaboration for LGBTQ students. Strategies for school counselors. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 12(4), 248-264.
- Beck, M. J. (2018). “Lead by example”: A phenomenological study of school counselor-principal team experiences with LGBT students. Professional School Counseling, 21(1), 1-13.
- Simons, J. D., Beck, M. J., Asplund, N., Chan, C., & Byrd, R. (2018). Advocacy for gender minority students: Recommendations for professional school counsellors. Journal of Sex Education. 18(4) , 464-478.
- Beck, M. J., Rausch, M. A., Wikoff, H. D., & Gallo, L. (2018). Ecological considerations and school counselor advocacy with LGBT students. Journal of Counselor Leadership & Advocacy, 5(1), 45-55.
- Newgent, R. A., Beck, M. J., Kress, V. E., & Watkins, M. C. (2016). Social and relational aspects of bullying and victimization in elementary schools: Strength-based strategies for prevention. Journal for Creativity in Mental Health, 11(3-4), 285-297.
- Beck, M. J., Rausch, M. A., Lane, E. M.D., & Wood, S. M. (2016). College, career, and lifestyle development with students who are LGBQQ: Strategies for school counselors. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 10(4), 197-210.
- Beck, M. J. (2016). Bolstering the preparation of school counselor-principal teams for work with LGBTQ youth: Recommendations for preparation programs. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 10(1). 2-15. 10.1080/15538605.2015.1138099
- Beck, M. J., Rausch, M. A., & Wood, S. M. (2014). Developing the fearless school counselor ally and advocate for LGBTQIQ youth: Strategies for preparation programs. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 8(4), 361-375.
Book Chapters
- Strear, M. M., & Bech, M. J. (2023). PreK-12 Schools. In C. Magalhaes, R. Sprott, & N. Rider (Eds.), Mental Health Practice with LGBTQ+ Children, Adolescents, and Emerging Adults in Multiple Systems of Care. Rowman & Littlefield.
- Cigrand, D., Beck, M. J., & Lane, M. D. (2022). Professional settings. In Butler, S. K., Locke, A. F., & Filmore, J. M. (Eds.), Introduction to 21st century counseling: A multicultural and social justice approach. Cognella. *2022 Most Promising New Textbook Award Winner
- Wikoff, H. D., Beck, M. J., & Wood, S. M. (2021). School counselor advocacy recommendations for policy and practice for and with LGBTQ+ youth. In Rausch, M. A., & Gallo, L. L. (Eds.), Strengthening School Counselor Advocacy and Practice for Important Populations and Difficult Topics. IGI Global.
- Simons, J. D., Beck, M. J., Asplund, N., Chan, C., Byrd, R. (2019). Advocacy for gender Minority students: Recommendations for professional school counsellors. In J. Gilbert & J. Sinclair-Palm (Eds.), Trans youth in education (pp.XX-XX. Routledge. Reprinted article from Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and learning, 18(4), 464-478. https//
- Beck, M. J., Davis-Gage, D., & Butler, S. K. (2019). Now that I stand up: How do I survive? In T. Portman, C. Wood, and H. Fye (Eds.), Critical incidents in school counseling, 3rd Ed. American Counseling Association: Alexandria, VA.
- Wood, S. M., Lane, E. M.D., Beck, M. J. (2018). School counselors as leaders and advocates of gifted students. In J. Peterson & S. Wood (Eds.) Counseling gifted and talented students: A guide for school counselors. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
- Beck, M. J. (2017). Strengths based affirmative advocacy: School counselor strategies to help LGBT youth become more of who they are. In J. K. Edwards, A. Young, & H. J. Nikels (Eds.), Handbook of strengths-based clinical practices: Finding common factors (pp.109-124). New York, NY: Routledge Press.
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