School of Engineering and Technology

Hoyet Hemphill
Professor of Instructional Design and Technology
Western Illinois University
Knoblauch Hall 132
(309) 298-1186
Research Interests
Online group collaboration, assessment of learner engagement in computer-based training and online learning Assessment of interactivity in online discussion, the interactivity of instructional project management, Program evaluation in higher education, and use of instructional design to promote formal and informal science and technology education.
Ph.D. - Instructional Design and Technology - Utah State University
Dissertation title: A Comparison of a Simple Electronic Performance Support System for Lesson Plan Writing to Detached Training.
Chair: M. David Merrill
M.Ed. - College and Agency Counseling, additional 90 Graduate hours in Psychology and School Psychology - University of Missouri-Columbia
B.A. - Psychology - University of Missouri-Columbia
Awards and Recognitions
- COEHS Faculty Scholar, 2010-2011
- Awards for illustration from Society for Technical Communication
- Awards for writing from Society for Technical Communication
Subjects Taught
- IDT 200 Intro to Instructional Technology
- IDT 433 Instructional 3D Modeling and
- IDT 489 Independent Study
- IDT 496 Senior Portfolio
- IDT 500 Intro to the IDT Field
- IDT 525 Grant Writing Basics
- IDT 537 Instructional Video Production
- IDT 565 Management of Instructional Tech
- IDT 591 Independent Study
- IDT 620 IDT Internship
Examples of Publications
Hemphill, H., Hemphill, L., & Runquist, R. (2019). Application of systems thinking: Improving completion in online educational systems. In Spector, M., Lockee, B.B., Childress, M. (Eds.). Learning, Design, and Technology. An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Springer, Cham.
Hemphill, H.H., Hemphill, L.S., & Caliskan, E. (2016). Survey of teacher educators on professional development materials used for technology integration training. In M. Simonson (Ed.), 30th Annual Proceedings of AECT Conference 2015 (Volume 1: Research and Development Papers). Indianapolis, IN.
Hemphill, H.H., & Hemphill, L. (2015). Adjusting the suspension in K-12 Schools: Systemic change outcomes. In M. Simonson (Ed.), 29th Annual Proceedings of AECT Conference 2015 (Volume 1: Research and Development Papers). Indianapolis, IN.
Hemphill, L. (2013). Flipping professional development: Development of a master instructor certificate for university instructors with a twist. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013.
Mahadewi, L.P.P., Hamilton-Hancock, D., & Hemphill, L.S. (2011). A study of the effectiveness of using social networking sites in online collaborative projects. Proceedings of the 24th ICDE World Conference 2011, Nusa Dua, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Hemphill, L., Hemphill, H., & McCaw, D. (2010). One department’s approach to program assessment. Conference Proceedings. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2009.
Hemphill, L., Hemphill, H., Zhang, L., Xue, Q. L., Jia, X., & Deng, Y. (2010). Second Life: A promising 3D tool for cross-cultural educational activities. Conference Proceedings. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2009.
Hemphill, H., Hemphill, L.S., and McCaw D.S. (2009). Results of an undergraduate program evaluation process: A comparative study of curriculum and real-world job skills. Vol. 3. Common Good Publication. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois.
Hemphill, L.S., Hemphill, H.H., and McCaw, D.S. (2009). Transformational assessment: Assessing the assessment process. Journal of World Universities Forum. Vol. 3. Common Good Publication. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois.
Hemphill, L.S., Hemphill, H.H., Yoon, S-W, & Zhang, L. (2008, April). On the road to cross-cultural understanding: U.S. and Chinese graduate students collaboratively examine technology issues in the classroom. Classroom Culture and Dynamics. Editor: E.P. Velliotis. Chapter 8 (pp. 159-173), Nova Publishing.
Hemphill, L.S., Hemphill, H.H., Yoon, S-W, & Zhang, L. (2008, April). On the road to cross-cultural understanding: U.S. and Chinese graduate students collaboratively examine technology issues in the classroom. Classroom Culture and Dynamics. Editor: E.P. Velliotis. Chapter 8 (pp. 159-173), Nova Publishing. Also published in New Educational Technology. Editor: R. Kobayashi. Chapter 4 (pp. 89-103), Nova Publishing.
Hemphill, H.H. & Xia, T. (2007). Using hybrid collaboration to prepare future educational technologists. China Educational Technology, 1.
Hemphill, L.S., & Hemphill, H.H. (2007). Evaluating the impact of guest speaker postings in online discussions. British Journal of Education Technology 38(2), 287-298.
Hemphill, H.H. & Xia, T. (2007). Using hybrid collaboration to prepare future educational technologists. China Educational Technology, 1.
Hemphill, L.S., & Hemphill, H.H. (2007). Evaluating the impact of guest speaker postings in online discussions. British Journal of Education Technology 38(2), 287-298.
Blomeyer, R., & Hemphill, H. (2002). Online learning in K-12 schools: “what works”. 18th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning. Conference Proceedings. Madison, Wisconsin.
Hemphill, H.H. (2002). Looking into the future. Educational Technology 42(3).
Hemphill, H.H. (2001). Measuring information bandwidth in online instruction. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI.
Hemphill, H.H. (2001). Instructional syntax analysis: Beyond CBT. TechTrends 45(10), 5.
Examples of Presentations
Hemphill, L., & Hemphill, H. (2019, Oct. 23). Incorporating microlearning strategies into a blended professional development program for instructors. AECT Conference 2019. Las Vegas, NV.
Hemphill, H., & Hemphill L. (2019, Oct. 23). Visualizing systemic change in online learning courses. AECT Conference 2019. Las Vegas, NV.
Hemphill, H., & Hemphill, L. (2018, Oct. 23). A systems approach to teaching student to design social networking sites. AECT Conference 2018. Kansas City, KS.
Hemphill, H., & Hemphill, L. (2018, Oct. 23). Systems factors in improving continuing enrollment in online learning courses. AECT Conference 2018. Kansas City, KS.
Hemphill, L., & Hemphill, H. (2017, Nov. 9). Systems thinking about systems thinking: STC Membership Survey. AECT Conference 2017. Indianapolis, IN.
Hemphill, L., & Hemphill, H. (2017, Nov. 8). Monitoring critical thinking in online discussion forums. AECT Conference 2017. Indianapolis, IN.
Hemphill, L., & Hemphill, H. (2016, Oct. 20). Master University Instructor Certificate: A blended, flipped classroom approach to professional development. Las Vegas, NV: Association for Educational Technology and Communication 2016 Annual Convention.
Biswell, C., Hemphill, L., & Hemphill, H. (2016, Oct. 19). Online departmental advising area: Lessons learned. Las Vegas, NV: Association for Educational Technology and Communication 2016 Annual Convention.
Hemphill, H., Caliskan, E., & Hemphill, L. (2016, Oct. 18). Survey of teacher educators on professional development materials used for technology integration training. Las Vegas, NV: Association for Educational Technology and Communication 2016 Annual Convention.
Hemphill, L., & Hemphill, H. (2015, Nov. 5). Assessing online courses for quality and global adaptation. AECT Conference 2015. Indianapolis, IN.
Hemphill, L. (2015, Nov. 4). Designing a flipped professional development program. AECT Conference 2015. Indianapolis, IN.
Hemphill, L., & Hemphill, H. (2015, Nov. 4). A systematic approach to teaching students to design social networking sites. AECT Conference 2015. Indianapolis, IN.
Hemphill, H., & Hemphill, L. (2015, Oct. 23). Information and communication technologies integration for professional development of teachers in the USA. Paedelia Conference. Gaza University, Ankara, Turkey.Hamilton-Hancock, D., Hemphill, L.S., & Hemphill, H.H. (2011, Jan. 20-22). Using the Critical Friends Process as a Formative Assessment in the Development of Online Health Education Projects. Virtual Presentation for the Health, Wellness, & Society International Conference, Berkeley, CA.
Hemphill, H., Ruan, G., & Hemphill, L. (2014, Nov. 6). The impact of integrating BYOD programs into K-12 schools: A cross-cultural perspective. 2014 Conference for the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Jacksonville, FL.
Hemphill, L. (2014, Nov. 6). The role of systems thinking and quality e-learning in higher education. Invited Panel Discussant. 2014 Conference for the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Jacksonville, FL.
Hemphill, L., & Hemphill, H. (2014, Nov. 6). Master instructor certificate program with a flip: Challenges and successes. 2014 Conference for the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Jacksonville, FL.
Hemphill, L., Mahadewi, L. P., & Lixin, Z. (2014, Nov. 6). Considerations for using the same online course shell in three different countries. 2014 Conference for the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Jacksonville, FL.
Hemphill, L.S., Mahadewi, L.P.P., & Lixin, Z. (2014, Mar. 18). Considerations for using the same online course shell in three different countries. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 2014 Conference. Jacksonville, FL.
Hemphill, L., & Hemphill, H. (2013, Nov. 20). Graphic tools for a shoestring budget. Center for Teaching and Learning Workshop, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL.
Hamilton-Hancock, D., Hemphill, H., & Hemphill, L. (2013, Nov. 14). Dynamic participation online: Authentic assessments online using the Critical Friends Model. Illinois Education Technology Conference. Springfield, IL.
Hemphill, L., & Zhang, J. (2013, Nov. 14). Online course for effective design and delivery. Illinois Education Technology Conference. Springfield, IL.
Hemphill, H., Hamilton-Hancock, D., & Hemphill, L. (2013, Nov. 14). Strategies for reducing cheating in class. Illinois Education Technology Conference. Springfield, IL.
Hemphill, L.S., Hamilton-Hancock, D., Hemphill, H.H. (2012, July 16). Using the DISCERN instrument to develop online health literacy in wellness programs. National Wellness Conference. Stevens Point, WI.
Hemphill, L.S., Hamilton-Hancock, D., & Hemphill, H.H. (2012, May 16). A continuum approach to debunking stereotypes regarding the digital divide. 2012 Faculty Summer Institute, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL.
Hemphill, L.S., Hamilton-Hancock, D., Hemphill, H.H. (2012, Jul. 16). Using the DISCERN instrument to develop online health literacy in wellness programs. National Wellness Conference. Stevens Point, WI.
Hemphill, H.H., Hemphill, L.S., & Hamilton-Hancock, D. (2011, Jan. 20-22). Using the Community of Inquiry Model and a Version of the Instructional Syntax Analysis Tool to Analyze Online Discussions in Health Sciences. Virtual Presentation for the Health, Wellness, & Society International Conference, Berkeley, CA.
Hemphill, H., & Hemphill, L. (2010, Oct. 28).Using the Plan Do Study Act as a departmental accountability framework. 2010 AECT International Convention, Anaheim, CA.
Harris, P., Herring, M., Reigeluth, C., Duff, F.M., & Hemphill, H.H. (2009, Oct 30). Plans for an AECT summit on the future of education in America: Are you part of educational renewal? Here’s an invitation. 2009 AECT Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.
Hemphill, H.H., Deng, Y., & Hemphill, L.S. (2009, Oct 30). Cross-collaboration in an online instructional project management class. 2009 AECT Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.
Hemphill, H.H., Zhang, L., & Hemphill, L.H. (2008, Nov. 6) The future of systemic education change – across two horizons. Research Paper. 2008 AECT Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
Hemphill, L.S., Zhang, L., Yoon, S-W, & Hemphill, H.H. (2008, Nov. 6) Global perspective of technology integration issues in K12 schools: U.S. and Chinese graduate students collaboration. Roundtable presentation. 2008 AECT Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
Hemphill, L.S., & Hemphill, H.H. (2008, Mar. 8). Preparing U.S. and Chinese Students for a Second Life experience. Virtual Words: Libraries, Education, and Museums Conference.
Yoon, S-W., & Hemphill, H. (2007, Oct. 27). Developing an online portfolio system as a multipurpose knowledge management tool. Anaheim, CA: 2007 AECT Annual Conference.
Hemphill, H.H., & Deng, Y. (2007, Oct. 26). Digital strategies for collaboration in instructional project management. Anaheim, CA: 2007 AECT Annual Conference.
Related Works
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