Sociology and Anthropology
Oswald S. Warner, Professor of Sociology

Ph.D., Michigan State University
Dr. Warner joined the Department in 2005.
Contact Info
Office: Morgan Hall 403
(309) 298-1056
- Soc 100 Introduction to Sociology
- Soc 300 Minorities
- Soc 313 Self & Identity
- Soc 333 Classical Sociological Theory
- Soc 334 Contemporary Sociological Theory
- Soc 370 American Family
- Soc 415 Social Stratification
- Soc 420 Race, Class, and Gender
- Soc 440 Global Sociology
- Soc 518 Classical Theory
- Soc 545 Developing Society and Social Change
- Soc 546 Social Conflict
- Soc 599 Seminar in Sociology
Areas of Specialization
Social Inequality, Urban Sociology, Urban Minority Social Problems in North America, Immigrant Identity and Identity Transformation, Globalization and International Migration, African Diaspora
- Warner, Oswald S. 2016. Learning the Ropes: Afro-Trini Responses to Perceived Racism in Canada. Paper presented at the 46 Annual Meeting of the Association of Black Sociologists, Memphis, TN, October 7, 2016.
- Warner, Oswald S.. 2015. “Learning the Ropes: Afro-Trini Responses to Perceived Racism in Canada, " Wadbagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and Its Global Diaspora, 16, 1: 31-81.
- Warner, Oswald S. 2012. “Black in America Too: Afro-Caribbean Immigrants." Social and Economic Studies 61, 4: 69-103.
- Warner, Oswald S. 2007. “Hidden Racism: a Global Perspective.” Paper presented for Black History Month at Western Illinois University, February 1, 2007.
- Warner, Oswald S. 2006. Up The Down Escalator: Mobility Strategies of Afro-Trini Immigrants in the Toronto Metropolis, Canada. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association of Black Sociologists, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. August 8-11, 2006.
- Black-White Divide: Racial Residential Succession and Racial Residential Segregation
in the City of Saginaw, Michigan: 1960-2000, Michigan Sociological Review, 20, (Fall) 2006: 147-183.- Paper was selected as one of the 10 best out of 170 articles published in the Michigan Sociological Review in 25 years since 1982. It has been republished in a special publication, Twenty-five Years of Excellence in Michigan Sociology: SOME OF THE BEST FROM MSR, 2011.
- Warner, Oswald S. 2006. “Encountering Canadian Racism: Afro-Trini Immigrants in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada,” Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and Its Diaspora, 9, 1 (Winter): 4-37.
- Warner, Oswald S. 2006. “‘... Africans, no matter where they come from are not among the races sought ...’: The Canadian State’s Racialization of Afro-Caribbean Immigration to Canada, 1900s to 1950s,” Lobstick: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Creative Thought, Social Commentary, Scholarly Research, and Debate, 3-4 (August): 45-72.
- Warner, Oswald S. (Forthcoming 2008). From Piarco to Pearson. Trinidadian Immigrants in the Toronto Metropolis.
- Black-White Divide: Racial Residential Succession and Segregation in the City of Saginaw, Michigan: 1960-2000. Paper presented at the 2005 Michigan Sociological Association Meeting, Eastern Michigan University, October 22, 2005.
- Race-Ism: The R Word That Stops Us In Our Tracks. Talk on the construction of race and the perceptual experiences of racism to Sociology students at Grande Prairie Regional College, Grande Prairie, Alberta, March 2004.
Organizational Memberships/Affiliations
- African Diaspora Research Project at Michigan State University, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, American Sociological Association, American Black Sociologist Association, Caribbean Studies Association, Faculty Row: The Official Home Of America's Top Faculty
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