Sociology and Anthropology
Craig Tollini, Professor of Sociology

Ph.D., Western Michigan University, 2005
Professor Tollini joined the Department in 2005.
Contact Info
- Office: Morgan Hall 417A
- Phone: (309) 298-1056
- Email:
- Soc 100 Introduction to Sociology
- Soc 323 Social Research Methods I
- Soc 324 Social Research Methods II
- Soc 427G Sociology of Sexual Identities and Inequalities
- Soc 530 Statistical Methods
- Soc 531 Quantitative Methods
Areas of Specialization
Methods, Statistics, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Masculinity, Pornography
- Tollini, C. 2017. Different Portrayals of Masculinity in Gay Bareback Pornographic Videos: Comparing Sean Cody with Treasure Island Media. Porn Studies 4: 419-432.
- Tollini, C., and Herbstrith, J. 2016. Undergraduate and Graduate Students’ Descriptions of the Complete Acceptance of Homosexuality. SAGE Open 2016: 1-10. DOI: 10.1177/2158244016636432.
- Tollini, C., Herbstrith, J., Hewlett-Boyd, S., & Hurtado, M. 2015. “‘If You Woke up Tomorrow and Homosexuality was Completely Accepted…’: Descriptions of the Total Acceptance of Homosexuality by Members of a University’s LGBTAQ Community.” The 3rd Annual LGBT Research Symposium, Urbana-Champaign, IL, May 7-8.
- Welch, B., Hetzel-Riggin, M., Tollini, C., Bonnan-White, J., & Philips, W. 2014. “Utilizing Social Network Analysis to Understand Sexual Assault Survivor Outcomes: The Promises and the Pitfalls.” The 64th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, CA, August 15-17.
- Tollini, C., Schisler, B., & Davis, R. 2014. “‘What Happened to the Initiation Orgy?’: The Surprisingly Homophobic View of Fraternities in Written Gay Pornography.” The 77th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, Omaha, NE, April 3-6.
- Davis, R., Tollini, C., & Welch, B. 2014. “Science Fiction in Sociology: Comparing the Effectiveness of Creatively Writing vs. Analyzing Short Stories.” The 77th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, Omaha, NE, April 3-6.
- Wilson, B., and Tollini, C. 2013. Sorority Members’ Views of Negative Stereotypes. Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors 8(1):35-47.
- Welch, B., Hetzel-Riggin, M., Tollini, C., White, J. 2013. “Using Social Network Analysis to Study Rape Disclosure Networks.” The 76th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, IL, March 27 -30.
- Tollini, C., and White, J. 2010. College Students’ Perceptions of Intelligent Design. Evolution: Education and Outreach 3:595-604.
- Tollini, C. 2010. A Comparison of Faculty Members’ and Students’ Definitions of Political Bias in the Classroom. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 2(5):77-81.
- White, J., Tollini, C., Collie, W.A., Strueber, M., Strueber, L., and Ward, J. 2009. Evolution and University-Level Anthropology Textbooks: The “Missing Link”? Evolution: Education and Outreach 2:722-737.
- Tollini, C. 2009. The Behaviors that College Students Classify as Political Bias: Preliminary Findings and Implications. Teaching Sociology 37:379-389.
- Tollini, C., and Wilson, B. 2010. Fraternity Members’ Views of Negative Stereotypes. Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors 5(1):34-44.
- Tollini, C. 2010. A Comparison of Faculty Members’ and Students’ Definitions of Political Bias in the Classroom. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 2(5):77-81.
- Tollini, C., Ellefritz, R., & Newman, Isaac. 2008. “The Power of a Definition: The Framing of Intelligent Design in the News and by Its Opponents and Supporters” The Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, St. Louis, MO, March 27-30.
- Tollini, C. 2007. “The Need for a Test of Putnam’s Theory of Social Capital.” The joint annual meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society and the North Central Sociological Association, Chicago, IL, April 4-7.
- Tollini, C. 2007. “How Do College Students Define Political Bias in the Classroom?” The 57th annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York City, NY, August 10-12.
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