Sociology and Anthropology
Patrick McGinty, Professor of Sociology

Ph.D. University of Missouri-Columbia, 2005
Dr. McGinty joined the Department in 2005.
Contact Info
- Office: Morgan Hall 406
- Phone: (309) 298-1381
- E-mail:
- Soc 100 Introduction to Sociology
- Soc 272 Individual and Society
- Soc 320 Sociology of Work
- Soc 333 Classical Sociological Theory
- Soc 334 Contemporary Sociological Theory
- Soc 562 Graduate Seminar: Complex Organization
- Soc 599 Graduate Seminar: Symbolic Interactionism
Areas of Specialization
- Sociological Theory (Classical & Contemporary), Symbolic Interactionism, Sociology of Education, Complex Organizations, Occupations & Work, Sociology of Policy
- McGinty, Patrick J.W. 2016. “Ruinous Reification: The Astructural Bias in Symbolic Interactionism.” Pp. 19-56 in G. R. Musolf, ed., The Astructural Bias Charge: Myth or Reality? Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Volume 46 Corydon,UK: Emerald.
- McGinty, Patrick J.W. 2014. “Divided and Drifting: Interactionism and the Neglect of Social Organizational Analyses in Organization Studies.” Symbolic Interaction 37: 155-186.
- Burns, Tom R., Hall, Peter M., and Patrick J.W. McGinty. 2013. "Conceptualizing Power and Meta-Power: Causalities, Mechanisms, and Constructions." Pp. 19-82 in T. R. Burns and P. M. Hall, eds., The Meta-Power Paradigm: Impacts and Transformation of Agents, Institutions, and Social Systems. NY: Peter Lang.
- Hall, Peter M. and Patrick J.W. McGinty. 2013. "Social Organization Across Space and Time." Pp. 421-438 in T. R. Burns and P. M. Hall, eds., The Meta-Power Paradigm: Impacts and Transformation of Agents, Institutions, and Social Systems. Peter Lang.
- McGinty, Patrick J.W. 2011. "Secondary Groups." Pg. 524 in G. Ritzer and J.M. Ryan, eds., The Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
- McGinty, Patrick J.W., Burns, Tom R., and Peter M. Hall. 2010. "Meta-Power," in G. Ritzer, editor, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
- McGinty, Patrick J.W. 2009. "Teachers and Teaching During Educational Restructuring and Reforms." Pp. 1135-1152 in L. J. Saha and A. G. Dworkin, eds., International Handbook of Research on Teachers and Teaching. NY: Springer.
- McGinty, Patrick J.W. 2006. “Secondary Groups,” in George Ritzer, editor, Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell.
- McGinty, Patrick J.W. 2005. “The Dynamic Past: History, Symbolic Interactionism and the Study of Social Organization.” American Sociological Association, August 13-16, 2005, Philadelphia, PA.
- Hall, Peter M. and Patrick J.W. McGinty. 2002. “Social Organization Across Space and Time: The Policy Process, Mesodomain Analysis, and Breadth of Perspective,” in Sing C. Chew and David Knottnerus, eds., Structure, Culture, and History: Recent Issues in Social Theory. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Hall, Peter M. and Patrick J.W. McGinty. 2002. “Restructuring.” Pp. 495-500 in David L. Levinson, Peter W. Cookson, Jr., and Alan R. Sadovnik, eds., Education and Sociology: An Encyclopedia. NY: RoutledgeFalmer.
- Hall, Peter M. and Patrick J.W. McGinty. 1997. “Policy as the Transformation of Intentions: Producing Program from Statute.” The Sociological Quarterly 38: 439-467.
Organizational Memberships/Affiliations
American Sociological Association, American Educational Research Association, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Midwest Sociological Society
Honors Distinctions
2018-2021 President-Elect, President, Past President – Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction
2018 Recipient, College of Arts and Sciences Award for Excellence in Service
2017 Recipient, David R. Maines Narrative Research Award, Carl Couch Center for Social and Internet Research (CCSIR), University of Northern Iowa.
2014-2017 Vice President-Elect, Vice President, Past Vice President – Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction
2014 Recipient, David R. Maines Narrative Research Award, Carl Couch Center for Social and Internet Research (CCSIR), University of Northern Iowa.
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