Sociology and Anthropology
Elgin Mannion, Professor of Sociology

Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2003
Dr. Mannion joined the Department in 2004.
Contact Info
Office: Morgan Hall 421
(309) 298-1056
- Soc 100 Introduction to Sociology
- Soc 332 Social Research Methods II
- Soc 333 Sociological Theory
- Soc 345 Rural Social Organizations
- Soc 410 Women and Poverty
- Soc 414 Population
- Soc 415 Social Stratification
- Soc 465G Deviance, Crime, and Control in Socio-Historical Perspective
- Soc 518 History of Sociological Theory
- Soc 525 Advanced Inequalities
- Soc 532 Demographic Methods
- Soc 545 Developing Societies and Social Change
- Soc 546 Developing Societies and Social Change
Areas of Specialization
- Theory, Population, Community/Urban sociology, Mathematical sociology/Economic sociology
- Elgin Mannion. 2009. "Metro-nonmetro Economic Growth and Convergence in the Plains States- Rethinking the Rural-Urban Relationship in a Global Economy." Journal of Rural Research and Policy, Kansas State University.
- Elgin Mannion. 2007. "Revisiting the Three- Ring-Circus." Journal of Appalachian Studies, vol. 12 Issue 1, pgs. 111-125.
- Elgin Mannion and Dwight Billings. 2006. " Persistent Poverty and Income Inequality Appalachia." in Population Change and Rural Society, eds. Kandel, William, Brownn, David A Springer.
- Elgin Mannion. 2003. "What's in a Name? Methodological Changes in Environmental Risk Assessment." Journal of Appalachian Studies.
Organizational Memberships/Affiliations
Southern Sociological Association, Appalachian Studies Association, Regional Science Association
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