Sociology and Anthropology
Lora Ebert Wallace, Professor of Sociology

Ph.D., Iowa State University, 2001
Dr. Ebert Wallace joined the Department in 2004.
Contact Info
Office: Morgan Hall 423A
Phone: (309) 298-1056
Areas of Specialization
- Medical sociology, family sociology, Sociology of women's health and reproductive health, and survey methods/quantitative methods
- Soc 100 Introduction to Sociology
- Soc 370 American Family
- Sociology of Health courses:
- Soc 424G Sociology of Mental Health
- Soc/WS 430G Sociology of Women's Health
- Soc 365 Sociology of Health & Illness
- Social Methods courses:
- Soc 323 Social Research Methods I
- Soc 324 Social Research Methods II
- Soc 531 Quantitative Methods
Selected Publications
Taylor, Erin N. and Lora Ebert Wallace. 2017. "Risky Business: Breastfeeding Promotion Policy and the Problem of Risk Language" Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, March: 1-17.
Wallace, Lora Ebert and Erin N. Taylor. 2016. "Running a Risk: expectant mothers respond to "risk" language in breastfeeding promotion," Women's Reproductive Health, 3(1): 1-14.
Taylor, Erin and Lora Ebert Wallace. 2012. “For Shame: Feminism, Breastfeeding Advocacy, and Maternal Guilt,” Hypatia, 27: 76–98.
Wallace, Lora Ebert & Taylor, Erin. 2011.“Potential risks of "risk" language in breastfeeding advocacy,” Women & Health, 51:4: 299-320.
Robert J. Hironimus-Wendt and Lora Ebert Wallace 2009. The Sociological Imagination and Social Responsibility. Teaching Sociology, 37(1): 76-88.
Conger, Rand D., Ebert Wallace, Lora, Sun, Yumei, Brody, G., McLoyd, V., Simons, R.L. and Laknath Peris. 2002. "Economic Pressure in African-American Families: A replication and extension of the family stress model." Developmental Psychology, 38 (2): 179-193.
Wickrama, K.A.S., Lorenz, Frederick O., Ebert Wallace, Lora, Laknath Peris, and Glen H. Elder, Jr. 2001. "Family Influence on Change in Physical Health During the Middle Years: The case of onset of hypertension." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 63 (2).
Rueter, Martha A., Scaramella, Laura, Ebert Wallace, Lora, and Rand. D. Conger. 1999. "First Onset of Depressive or Anxiety Disorder Predicted by the Longitudinal Course of Internalizing Symptoms and Parent-Adolescent Conflict," Archives of General Psychiatry, 36 (August): 726-732.
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