Sociology and Anthropology

Gordon Chang, Professor of Sociology
Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, 2008
Dr. Chang joined the Department in 2010.
Dr. Chang's curriculum vitae (pdf)
Contact Info
- Office: Morgan Hall 415A
- Phone: (309) 298-1056
- E-mail:
- Soc 100 Introduction to Sociology
- Soc 200 Contemporary Social Problems
- Soc 272 Individual and Society
- Soc 320 Sociology of Organizations
- Soc 333 Classical Sociological Theory
- Soc 334 Contemporary Sociological Theory
- Soc 461 Educational Sociology
- Soc 462 Political Sociology
- Soc 499/599 Special Seminiar (Ideology and Social Relations)
- Soc 518 Classical Theory
- Soc 519 Contemporary Sociological Theory
- Soc 535 Qualitative Methods
Areas of Specialization
Theory, Knowledge, Discourse, Politics
Selected Publications/Presentations
- Chang, Gordon C. 2023. Revolution and Witchcraft: The Code of Ideology in Unsettled Times. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. (Honorable Mention for the 2024 Distinguished Book Award, Midwest Sociological Society.)
- [Download additional materials and free ebooks at @ www.codeofideology.]
- Chang, Gordon C., Kerstin Lueck, and Hugh B. Mehan. 2013. “Evidencing International Threat: Examining Iraq Survey Group’s Post-Invasion Verification of Iraq’s WMD Threat.” Journal of Language and Politics 12(1): 29-58.
- Hugh Mehan, Gordon C. Chang, Makeba Jones, and Season S. Mussey. 2012. In College's Front Door: Creating a College-Bound Culture of Learning in High Schools. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.
- Chang, Gordon C. 2011. “Ethnomethodology.” Entry for Wiley-Blackwell Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by George Ritzer and J. Michael Ryan.
- Mehan, Hugh B. and Gordon C. Chang. 2011. “‘Is It Wrong For Us to Want Good Things?’: The Origins of Gompers Charter Middle School.” Journal of Educational Change 12(1): 47-70.
- Chang, Gordon C. and Hugh B. Mehan. 2008. “Why We Must Attack Iraq: Bush’s Reasoning Practices and Argumentation System.” Discourse and Society 19(4): 449-478.
- Chang, Gordon C. and Hugh B. Mehan. 2006. “Discourse in a Religious Mode: The Bush Administration’s Discourse in the War on Terrorism and Its Challenges.” Pragmatics 16(1): 1-23.
- [Translated into Czech and republished as “Diskurz vedený nábožensky: Bushova vláda o válce s terorismem a alternativní diskurzy.” Biograf: Journal of the Association for Biographical and Reflexive Sociology (40-41): 85-111 (Prague, Czech Republic).
- Chang, Gordon C. and J.R. Osborn. 2005. “Spectacular Colleges and Spectacular Rankings: The U.S. News Rankings of American “Best” Colleges.” Journal of Consumer Culture 5(3): 338-364.
Organizational Memberships/Affiliations
American Sociological Association; Consumer Studies Research Network; Society for the Studies of Symbolic Interaction; Midwest Sociological Society
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