Sociology and Anthropology
Tawnya J. Adkins Covert, Department Chair and Professor of Sociology

Ph.D., Purdue University, 2001
Dr. Adkins Covert joined the Department in 2000.
Contact Info
Office: Morgan Hall 404
(309) 298-1056
- Soc 323 Research Methods I
- Soc 324 Research Methods II
- Soc 360 Gender and Society
- Soc 370 The American Family
- Soc 415 Social Stratification
- Soc 462G Political Sociology
- Soc 470 Sociology of Popular Culture
- Soc 535 Qualitative Research Methods
- Soc 599 Seminars in Consumer Culture and Media Sociology
Areas of Specialization
Political Sociology, Media Sociology, Consumer Culture, Stratification, Methods
Selected Publications
- Wasburn, Philo C. and Tawnya Adkins Covert. 2017. Making Citizens: Political Socialization Research and Beyond. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Adkins Covert, Tawnya. 2011. Manipulating Images: World War II Mobilization of Women through Magazine Advertising. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
- Adkins Covert, Tawnya and Philo C. Wasburn. 2009. Media Bias? A Comparative Study of Time, Newsweek, National Review, and Progressive Coverage of Domestic Social Issues, 1975-2000. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
- Adkins Covert, Tawnya and Philo C. Wasburn. 2007. "Measuring Media Bias: A Content Analysis of Time and Newsweek Coverage of Domestic Social Issues, 1975-2000." Social Science Quarterly. 88(3): 690-706.
- Adkins Covert, Tawnya and Philo C. Wasburn. 2007. "Information Sources and the Coverage of Social Issues in Partisan Publications: A Content Analysis of 25 years of the Progressive and the National Review."”Mass Communication and Society. 10(1):67-94.
- Adkins Covert, Tawnya. 2003. "Consumption and Citizenship during World War II: Product Advertisements in Women's Magazines." Journal of Consumer Culture. 3(3): 315-342.
- Adkins Covert, Tawnya, Denise Ferguson, Selene Phillips and Philo Wasburn. 2000. "News In My Backyard: Media and Democracy in an 'All American' City." The Sociological Quarterly 41(2).
- Grauerholz, Elizabeth and Tawnya Adkins Covert. 1997. "Twenty-Five Exceptional Educational Videos for Sociology of Marriage and Family Courses." Teaching Sociology. 25:338-352.
Organizational Memberships/Affiliations
American Sociological Association, Midwest Sociological Association
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