Department of Biological Sciences

Brian D. Peer, Professor
Office: QC Complex 1204
(309) 762-9481
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California & Smithsonian Institution
Ph.D - University of Manitoba, 1998
M.S. - Eastern Illinois University, 1993
B.A. - Illinois Wesleyan University, 1989
Ornithology, behavioral ecology, coevolution, molecular ecology
Courses Taught
- BIOL 350 General Ecology
- BIOL 503 Biosystematics & Evolution
- ZOOL 408 Field Ornithology
- ZOOL 410 Ornithology
- ZOOL 451 Advanced Topics in Animal Ecology
- ZOOL 553 Animal Behavior
Research Interests
Coevolution between avian brood parasites and their hosts; Avian Ecology; Behavioral Ecology; Molecular Ecology; Avian Conservation
Peer, B. D., R. A. McCleery, W. E. Jensen. 2018. Resistance is futile: Prohibitive costs of egg ejection in an obligate avian brood parasite host. Animal Behaviour 144:45-51.
Lopez, A., V., Fiorini, K. Ellison, and B.D. Peer. 2018. Thick eggshells of brood parasitic cowbirds protect their eggs and damage host eggs during laying. Behavioral Ecology 29:965–97.
Peer, B. D., J. W. Rivers, L. Merrill, S. K. Robinson, and S. I. Rothstein. 2018. The Brown-headed Cowbird: a model species for testing novel research questions in animal ecology, evolution and behaviour. Pages 161-188 in Avian Brood Parasitism: Behaviour, Ecology, Evolution and Coevolution (M. Soler, ed.), Springer.
Peer, B.D. and E. K. Bollinger. 2017. Ecology and management of the Common Grackle. Pages 65-76 in Ecology and Management of Blackbirds (Icteridae) in North America (G. M. Linz, M. L. Avery, R. A. Dolbeer, eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Peer, B.D. and V. A. Abernathy. 2017. The Brown-headed Cowbird: Ecology and management of an avian brood parasite. Pages 77-99 in Ecology and Management of Blackbirds (Icteridae) in North America (G. M. Linz, M. L. Avery, R. A. Dolbeer, eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Peer, B. D. 2017. Nest sanitation does not elicit egg ejection in a brown-headed cowbird host. Animal Cognition 20:371-374.
Rivers, J. W. and B. D. Peer. 2016. Relatedness constrains virulence in an obligate avian brood parasite. Ornithological Science 15:191-201.
Abernathy, V. A., and B. D. Peer. 2016. Reduced ultraviolet reflectance does not affect egg rejection by Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128:328-336.
Kuehn, M. J., B. D. Peer, R. A. McCleery and S. I. Rothstein. 2016. Yellow warbler defenses are retained in the absence of brood parasitism but enhanced by experience with cowbirds. Behavioral Ecology 27:279-286.
Peer, B.D. and R.W. Motz. 2014. Observations of a bilateral gynandromorph Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126:778-782.
Peer, B.D., and R. W. Motz. 2014. Observations of a bilateral gynandromorph Northern Cardinal. In press in Wilson Journal of Ornithology .
Lang, A. K., E. K. Bollinger, and B. D. Peer. 2014. Effect of parasite-to-host egg ratio on egg rejection by a Brown-headed Cowbird host. Auk: Ornithological Advances 131:694–701.
Abernathy, V.A, and B.D. Peer. 2014. Intraclutch variation in egg appearance of Brown-headed Cowbird hosts. Auk: Ornithological Advances 131:467-475.
Lang, A. K., E. K. Bollinger, and B. D. Peer. 2014. Effect of parasite-to-host egg ratio on egg rejection by a Brown-headed Cowbird host. Auk: Ornithological Advances .
Peer, B.D., and R. W. Motz. 2014. Observations of a bilateral gynandromorph Northern Cardinal. Wilson Journal of Ornithology .
Kuehn, M. J., B. D. Peer, and S. I. Rothstein. 2014. Variation in host response to brood parasitism reflects evolutionary differences and not phenotypic plasticity. Animal Behaviour 88:21-28.
Rivers, J.W., M.A. Blundell, T.M. Loughin,B.D. Peer, and S.I. Rothstein. 2013. The exaggerated begging behaviour of an obligate avian brood parasite is shared with a nonparasitic close relative. Animal Behaviour 86:529-536.
Peer, B. D., J. W. Rivers, and S. I. Rothstein. 2013. Cowbirds, Conservation, and Coevolution: potential misconceptions and directions for future research. Chinese Birds 4:15-30.
Peer, B.D., J.W. Rivers, and S.I. Rothstein. 2013. The Brown-headed Cowbird: North America’s Brood Parasite. Chinese Birds 4:93-98.
Robinson, S. K., S. I. Rothstein, and B. D. Peer. 2013. Nest Parasitism. The Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 2nd Edition (S. A. Levin, ed.). Elsevier Press.
Dubina, K.M., and Brian D. Peer. Egg pecking and discrimination by female and male Brown-headed Cowbirds. In press>Journal of Ornithology .
Jaeckle, W., M. Kiefer, B. Childs, R.G. Harper, J.W. Rivers, and Brian D. Peer. 2012. Comparison of eggshell porosity and estimated gas flux between the Brown-headed Cowbird and two common hosts. In press in Journal of Avian Biology .
Peer, Brian D. 2011. Invasion of the Emperor’s Grackle. Ardeola 58:405-409.
Peer, Brian D., M.J. Kuehn, S.I. Rothstein, and R.C. Fleischer. 2011. Persistence of host defence behaviour in the absence of brood parasitism. Biology Letters . 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0268
Peer, Brian D., C.E. McIntosh, M.J. Kuehn, S.I. Rothstein, and R.C. Fleischer. 2011. Complex biogeographic history of shrikes and its implications for the evolution of defenses against avian brood parasitism. Condor 113:385-394.
Peer, Brian D., and S.I. Rothstein. 2010. Phenotypic plasticity in Common Grackles in response to repeated brood parasitism. Auk ;127:293-299.
Peer, Brian D., S.I. Rothstein, and R.A. McCleery. 2010. Intraclutch variation in egg appearance constrains rejection of Brown-headed Cowbird eggs in Common Grackles. Auk 127:759-764.
Atterberry-Jones, M., and Brian D. Peer. 2010. Cooperative breeding by Red-headed Woodpeckers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122:160-162.
Peer, Brian D. 2010. Conspecific brood parasitism by the Dickcissel. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122:186-188.
Sealy, S.G., Brian D. Peer, and D. Strickland. 2009. Gray Jays accept Brown-headed Cowbird eggs. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:174-177.
Peer, Brian D., S.I. Rothstein, K.S. Delaney, and R.C. Fleischer. 2007. Defence behavior against brood parasitism is deeply rooted in mainland and island scrub- jays. Animal Behaviour 73:55-63.
Peer, Brian D., L.R. Hawkins, E.P. Steinke, P.B. Bollinger, and E.K. Bollinger. 2006. Eastern bluebirds reject Brown-headed Cowbird eggs. Condor 108:741-745.
Peer, Brian D. 2006. American Coot parasitism on Least Bitterns. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118:415-418.
Peer, Brian D. 2006. Egg destruction and egg removal by avian brood parasites: Adaptiveness and consequences. Auk 123:16-22.
Rothstein, S.I., and Brian D. Peer. 2005. Conservation solutions for threatened and endangered cowbird hosts: Separating fact and fiction. Ornithological Monographs 57:98-114. American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, D.C.
Peer, Brian D., S.I. Rothstein, M.J. Kuehn, and R.C. Fleischer. 2005. Host defenses against cowbird parasitism: Implications for cowbird management. Ornithological Monographs 57:84-97. American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, D.C.
Ortega, C.P., J.F. Chace, and Brian D. Peer. 2005. Research directions and cowbird management. Ornithological Monographs 57:1-5.
Ortega, C.P., J.F. Chace, and Brian D. Peer, editors. 2005. Management of cowbirds and their hosts: Balancing science, ethics, and mandates. Ornithological Monographs 57. American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, D.C.
Peer, Brian D., S.I. Rothstein, and J.W. Rivers. 2005. First record of Bronzed Cowbird parasitism on the Great-tailed Grackle. Wilson Bulletin 117:194-196.
Peer, Brian D., and S.G. Sealy. 2004. Fate of grackle defenses in the absence of brood parasitism: Implications for long-term brood parasite-host coevolution. Auk 121:1172-1186.
Peer, Brian D., and S.G. Sealy. 2004. Correlates of egg rejection in hosts of the Brown-headed Cowbird. Condor 106:580-599.
Peer, Brian D., H.J. Homan, and G.M. Linz. 2003. Impact of blackbird damage to sunflower: Bioenergetic and economic models. Ecological Applications 13:248-256.
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