Bachelor of Science in Meteorology
- Applied Meteorology
- Operational Meteorology
Why Choose Meteorology at WIU?

- Real-world applications of meteorology: create forecasts for local radio stations, deliver the weather segment on the campus TV station, and intern at regional weather offices and local television stations
- Instruments and facilities enhance the student experience, including a weather station, weather radar, a Linux laboratory, and a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) laboratory
- Program meets the National Weather Service (NWS) curricular requirements for employment as a meteorologist
- Receive one-on-one attention from faculty members who are actively engaged in students' progress
- Faculty are actively engaged in research and publishing. Since 2010, members of the faculty have been awarded $522,000 in highly competitive National Science Foundation grants
Program Availability
- Macomb
Job Placements of WIU Graduates

- NaturEner and Vestas (Wind energy companies)
- WAND, KHQA, WTQV and WTOL (TV news stations)
- Burns and McDonnel, Harris Corporation and Menard County, IL (GIS analysts)

- University scholarships available
- Additional departmental scholarships and awards available
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