WOW Woman of the Week, Molly K. Homer

Molly K. Homer in shopping mode


Molly K. Homer is  WOW's new treasurer.  She's fairly new to Macomb, as well. Ms. Homer moved here in August of 2003 from Pittsburgh to take up a position as an advisor in the Illinois Centennial Honors College.  Ms. Homer has a B.S. in Mathematical and Computational Sciences from Stanford and a Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of Illinois at Urbana. She's taught linguistics at the University of Alberta, U.C. San Diego, Brown University and University of Pittsburgh.  WOW caught up with Ms. Homer while she was shopping for a watch at an exclusive boutique located just inside the front doors of the McDonough District Hospital.

WOW: Let's start at the beginning.

Molly: I was born at the Mary Greely Hospital in Ames, Iowa, on April 6th of an increasingly unspecifiable year at about 9:00 AM.

WOW: Tell us something surprising about your mother.

Molly: She's a veteran. She was a naval nurse, Lieutenant JG, shortly after World War II.

WOW: What was your first feminist act?

Molly:  I wrote a letter to Tom Harkin in 1977 in support of ERA. I was in the eighth grade.

WOW: Did he write back?

Molly: Yes, he did, twice. He supported the ERA.

WOW: What women do you look up to?

Molly: My Aunt Rita. She became a nurse. She lived in Alaska. Later, she got an advanced degree at Yale. She moved to Denver and became the president of the Colorado Heart Association. She gave it all up to take care of her mother. She never married. She was a spinster, like me.

WOW: You self describe as a "spinster?"

Molly: (laughing) Yes, I do.

WOW: Cool.  Are you afraid of anything?

Molly: Heights. I sometimes get vertigo. I am also afraid of rats and other small mammals.

WOW: So you've never held a ferret?

Molly: No.

WOW: What about cats?

Molly: Never had one. Never wanted one.

WOW: What do you like to do in your free time?

Molly: I go to the movies. I like to read "chick lit."  I also recently bought a house so that occupies my time.

WOW: Do you ever watch reality TV?

Molly: I have, but not regularly.

WOW: Okay. I need to ask some tough questions.

Molly: Fire away.

WOW: Do you kick box?

Molly: No.

WOW: Pilates?

Molly: No.

WOW: Taibo?

Molly: No. What is it?

WOW: Exercise?

Molly: No. What's that?  I'm kidding. I do take long walks pretty regularly.

WOW: Favorite band?

Molly: ELO.

WOW: Band you hate to admit liking, but like a lot anyway?

Molly: Guns and Roses. I like "Welcome to the Jungle."

WOW:  I think "Sweet Child of Mine" is the "Hey Jude" of its moment. Have you ever owned a mini skirt?

Molly: Yes--a while back. I also had a bikini at one time.

WOW: What's your favorite shoe?

Molly: Sandals. I own six pairs.

WOW: Do you believe in conspiracy theories?

Molly: No. I don't think that people are that well organized.

WOW: Do you own a cell phone?

Molly: Yes. It makes me feel like a loser because it never rings.

WOW: Have you ever worked "for the man?"

Molly: Right out of college I worked in the defense industry.

WOW: I'm curious. What was "the man's" cologne? I imagine him wearing Old Spice or Brut.

Molly: We weren't that close.

WOW: What's your guilty pleasure?

Molly: People magazine. I subscribe. I also love the TV show, Felicity. I own the DVDs.

WOW: As a kid could you ever do handsprings?

Molly: No.

WOW: Do you have a secret ambition?

Molly: Not to lose my job.

WOW: Time for a philosophical question: Would you walk a mile in another person's shoes?

Molly: No. That wouldn't be very fair to the other person, would it?

WOW: What if they were Prada?

Molly: No.

WOW: Manolo Blahniks?

Molly:  (moment of hesitation) No.

WOW: Are diamonds a girl's best friend?

Molly: No.

WOW: Ever any feelings of jealousy or regret over a royal wedding?

Molly: Never.

WOW: When you were in high school, were you ever forced to read, "Paul's Case?"

Molly: No.

WOW: I was. Ever envy guys?

Molly: For what?

WOW: Being guys.

Molly: No.

WOW: Highest SRA level?

Molly: Aqua...I think. It's been a while since 3rd grade.

WOW: Would you describe yourself as left-handed?

Molly: No.

WOW: Left of center?

Molly: A little to the left of left of center.

WOW: Left out?

Molly: Sometimes.

WOW: In left field?

Molly: That, too, sometimes.

WOW: Ever want to be left alone?

Molly: You mean like, now?

WOW: I guess that means the interview's over. One last question. Digital or analog watches?

Molly:  You've got to be kidding. Analog.