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Hospitality is a business and ABI is a business database. You reach it by going to the library's home page and clicking on Select a database. ABI is the first one in the alphabetical list.
The search above asked ABI to locate information on hotels and motels and for articles with "sales" in the title--and that were available to us at WIU.
This is the second result in the list. If you click on the title, you get the citation. Why bother with this? Because you can get more, and perhaps better, search terms. Below is the list from the citation above.
Below is a search for complaints about hotels, motels, and food service.
Business Source Elite is another useful resource. The search below asks the database to search for information on the subject of "hotels" with the word "sales" appearing anywhere in the article. The article must be full text and more than 2 pages long. The > 2 tells the database to only look for articles with more than 2 pages. This command is a very useful way of filtering information for depth. The search below is clickable.
Using Business Source Elite's Company Profiles
Business Source Elite has a nice function called "Company Profiles." These profiles provide basic information about selected companies, including companies in the hospitality industry, as, for instance, Marriot.
To access the Company Profiles click on the button on the tool bar. Then, type the name of the company you are interested in the search box--. Finally, click on the pdf link for the report, .
This is a small (500 periodicals) database that is tightly focused on the hospitality industry. It does not contain much full text--but it does have some. It is produced by the same company that publishes Business Source Elite and, therefore, constructing searches is similar to Business Source Elite. Below is a search for information on hotels and sales that is limited to peer reviewed journals that published between January of 2000 and July of 2004 and to articles more than two pages long. To get the full search screen, you may have to click on Refine Search. The search below is clickable.
Below is the first result in the above search. Note there is no full text immediately available. But that does not mean we cannot get to the full text. Please click on the citation image below. It should bring up its record.
At the bottom of the record is a link, . If you click on this link, the database will run a search in the Periodicals Holdings List (an online database of WIU's journal subscriptions) so that you may see whether or not we own the journal in which the article appears, in this case, the Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly. Please click on the link.
You should see a screen as below, indicating we do (or did) have a subscription to the journal.
If you click on the link above, you should see the following. The top of the menu tells us that WIU has a paper subscription to the journal beginning in 1960 and continuing to the present. We also have access to articles from the journal in two databases, ABI and InfoTrack.
If we click on the InfoTrac link--this will open a search session in InfoTrac. From there if we choose a journal search(), we can look up the Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly and go to the May 2004 issue and find our article.
Lexis Academic has a Business sub database that contains articles about the leisure industry. To get to it, click on the Guided News Search tab. Then, fill out the form with Business News in the first slot and Industry News in the second. The search below asks Lexis to return articles with the word "leisure" in the headline that are more than 1000 words long (length > 1000) and have been published in the last two years. Note for the length command to work, it must be set to Full Text.
Here is another search. This one is asking Lexis to find the word "leisure" in the headline or lead paragraphs and to find the word "cost" within five words of it in articles published within the last two years.