IM 340 Project #2


Technology research.


Choose a technology described in chapters 6-9. Preview these chapters to make your selection.







Provide me with your technology report proposal on or before October 7th.  One topic per person first-come first-serve. You may want to email me to lock in your preference.


Write a seven-page paper describing the technology. Including a cover letter and reference page. Use the same writing guidelines described for project#1.


You should research the technology using the class text and two other references.


Include at least two descriptive illustrations. These should be charts or graphs that describe the technology.


Prepare power point slides to present your technology to the class. Presentation will be 5-10 minutes. Include clip art. Please do not go over 10 minutes. Your presentation will be a small subset of your overall paper or a quick high-level review. I would prefer to see a detailed discussion of a subset of your paper. A demonstration when possible is also a plus for your grade.


Presentations and paper will are due Oct 28th.