SANDRA L. McFadden
Psychology Department
Waggoner Hall 159
Western Illinois University
Macomb, IL 61455
Office: (309) 298-3423
Lab: (309) 298-2342
Fax: (309) 298-2179
MILITARY SERVICE: U.S.A.F. & IL Air National Guard (Electronics Specialist)
B.S. Psychology (1978)
B.S. Industrial Education (1979)
M.A. Psychology (1991), Neuroscience and Behavior
Thesis: Responses of inferior colliculus neurons in young adult C57BL/6J
mice as a function of stimulus azimuth.
Ph.D. Psychology (1993), Neuroscience and Behavior
Dissertation: Hearing in a noisy environment: Effects of noise location and
sensorineural hearing loss on the responses of inferior colliculus
neurons in C57BL/6J mice.
Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO); New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS); Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Society; Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society; American Auditory Society (AAS); Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA).
Northern Illinois University Graduate School: Dissertation Completion Award/Research Fellowship, 1992-1993, $8,000.
U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command: Acquired Resistance to Impulse Noise; Co-Investigator, 5/15/96-3/31/97, $192,630.
U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity: Sex Differences in Susceptibility and Resistance to Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Chinchillas, Principal Investigator, 9/23/96-9/22/00, $481,021.
National Organization for Hearing Research: Influence of SOD Deficiencies on Age-Related and Noise-Induced Cochlear Pathology and Hearing Loss in Mice, Principal Investigator, 1/23/98-1/22/99, $10,000.
NIH: Aging Auditory System: Presbycusis and its Neural Basis, Program Project Grant, University of Rochester, Animal Neurophysiology, Consultant, 4/1/1998-3/31/2003.
NIH/NIDCD: Acquired Hearing Loss. Program Project Grant, Center for Hearing and Deafness, 1/1/99-12/31/04, $5,768,957.
Efferent Influences on Susceptibility to Cochlear Damage. Project Director, $682,085.
Antioxidant Involvement in NIHL. Co-Director, $709,000.
Animal Core, Project Director, $439,545.
National Organization for Hearing Research: Physiological Correlates of Auditory Nerve Myelinopathy and Progressive Cochlear Pathology in Carboplatin-Treated Chinchillas, A.C. Eddins, S.L. McFadden, Co-Investigators, 01/16/04-12/31/05, $15,000.
University of South Florida: Modulation of Age-Related Changes in the Auditory System (James F. Willott, PI); Histology Subcontract; Principal Investigator, 12/1/04-8/1/05.
NIH/NIA: Prevention of Age-related Hearing Loss, R21 submitted 10/01/06 (not funded).
Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. G.D. Coover (Biopsychology) and Dr. T. McCanne (Clinical Psychology), NIU (Spring, 1988).
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Taught two sections/semester of Introductory Psychology, NIU (Spring, 1988-Spring, 1990).
Administrative Assistant of Dr. Carlton E. Lints, Coordinator of Introductory Psychology Program, NIU (Fall, 1989-Spring, 1990).
Research conducted with Sharon A. Sandridge, Ph.D., Dept. of Communicative Disorders, NIU (Fall, 1991-Summer, 1992).
Graduate Research Assistant in the laboratory of James F. Willott, Ph.D., NIU (Summer, 1989; Summer, 1990-Summer, 1992). Involved in research using inbred mice (CBA/J and C57BL/6J) to study anatomical and electrophysiological changes in the central auditory system as a function of aging and sensorineural hearing loss.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (June 1993-Jan. 1995), Developmental Auditory Physiology Laboratory, Boys Town National Research Hospital, Omaha, NE 68131.
Research Scientist (Jan. 1995-Aug. 2005), Hearing Research Laboratories, Univ. at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Communicative Disorders and Sciences (Oct. 1995-Oct. 1999), Univ. at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Adjunct Clinical Instructor, Dept. of Communicative Disorders and Sciences (May 1998-Aug. 2005), Univ. at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Speech Pathology and Audiology (Fall 2000-2004), Fredonia College, Fredonia, NY.
Research Associate Professor, Dept. of Communicative Disorders and Sciences (Oct. 1999-Aug. 2005), Univ. at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Graduate Faculty Member, SUNY at Buffalo (Oct. 2000-Aug. 2005).
Public School Teaching:
Student teaching for undergraduate degree in Industrial Education, Bushnell Jr. High School, Bushnell, IL, 1978.
Industrial Arts Instructor, Litchfield Community School District, Litchfield, IL, 1979-1980.
Industrial Arts Instructor, Cook County School District, IL, 1980-1987.
University Teaching—Undergraduate Level:
Introductory Psychology, NIU, Instructor, 1988-1990 (2 classes/semester).
Anatomy and Physiology of Hearing, UB, Course Instructor, Spring, 1996 & 1999; Guest Lecturer, 1997, 2001, 2002.
Independent Study, advisor, UB, Spring 1997; Summer 1997.
Research in Psychology I: Statistical Methods and Design (Psy223), WIU, Fall 2005 (2 sections); Spring 2006 (1 section); Fall 2006 (2 sections); Spring 2007 (2 sections), Fall 2007 (2 sections).
Introduction to Psychology (Psy100), WIU, Spring 2006 (2 sections, First Year Experience course)
Individual Research (Psy460), WIU, Spring/Fall 2006; Spring/Fall 2007.
Sensation and Perception (Psy344), WIU, Fall 2006, 2007.
University Teaching—Graduate Level:
Graduate Research Methods, UB, Invited Lecturer, 1995, 1998, 1999.
Advanced Hearing Science, UB, Invited Lecturer, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999.
Independent Study, advisor, UB, Summer 1999; Fall 1999; Spring, 2003; Fall, 2003.
Research Design in Speech Pathology and Audiology, Fredonia College, Course Instructor, Fall 2000, 2001, 2003.
Experimental Audiology, UB, Invited Lecturer, 2002.
Grand Rounds, UB, Invited Lecture, ÒFood, Wine and Hearing Loss—The Free Radical Link;Ó 4/22/03.
Medical Audiology, UB, Invited Lecturer, Genetics and Hearing Loss, Oct. 2003.
Biochemical Bases of Hearing, UB, Instructor, CDS 681, Spring 2004.
Current Research in Psychology Seminar (Psy550), WIU, Fall 2005.
Child Neuropsychology (Psy592), WIU, Spring 2007 (team-taught with Dr. Tracy Knight).
I. While at University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY (1995-2005):
Dissertation Committee Member, Dept. of Anatomy & Cell Biology, SUNY Upstate Medical University: Adam Pack, Ph.D., The tubulin cytoskeleton and its role in sound-induced protection from noise-induced hearing loss (conditioning) (2001).
Supervised research projects for S. Levine, M.A., 1995-1996, N. Quaranta, M.D. (Univ. of Bari, Italy), 1995-1996, and Y. Min, M.D. (UB Otolaryngology resident), 1996.
Statistics Consultant, Kim Tillery, Ph.D., 1997; Bridget Russell, Ph.D., 1997; Karen Yenser, Ph.D., 1997; Nancy Hight, Ph.D., 2002; Kelly Carney, Ph.D., 2003; Bruce Wisenburn, 2003.
Thesis Committee Member:
1. Phillip J. Hofstetter: Effects of carboplatin on distortion product otoacoustic emissions and inner and outer hair cells of the chinchilla (1996).
2. Carrie A. Secor: Toneburst and derived-band responses from the inferior colliculus of noise exposed chinchillas (1998).
AuD Research Committee Member:
1. Christina Babian: Integration of auditory and visual information (2003).
2. Kristen Schroeder: The role of thyroxine on the maintenance of hearing beyond cochlear development (2005).
AuD Research Advisor:
1. Jenifer M. Woo: Vitamin C influences on noise-induced hearing loss in guinea pigs (2003).
2. Nathan Michalak: Reduction of noise-induced hearing loss in guinea pigs by alpha-lipoic acid (2004).
Dissertation Committee Member:
1. Jian Wang: Modulation of neuronal behavior by GABA antagonists in the auditory cortex of chinchillas (2000).
2. Nancy Hight: Noise induced hearing loss protection from GEE and R-PIA (2000).
3. Mei Zhang: Protective effect of pifithrin (PFT) against cisplatin-induced ototoxicity in rat cochlear and vestibular cultures (2002).
4. Mohamed El-Badry: Physiological and anatomical changes following selective demyelination of the auditory nerve in chinchillas (2002).
5. Kelly Carney: Prophylactic effects of pp60c-src inhibition on noise-induced hearing loss and outer hair cell loss in chinchillas (2003).
6. Bruce Wisenburn: The use of natural language processing for augmentative-alternative communication utterance generation (2004).
7. Eric Bielefeld: Alteration of susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss through interruption of sympathetic inputs to the cochlea (2005).
8. Jinyu Qian: Virtual sound localization using head related transfer functions modified in the spectral modulation frequency domain (2005).
Expert opinion provided for news articles, including: B. Harder, ÒNoise may cause gene damage in heart--Rackets and radicals,Ó Science News, Feb 1, 2003; and Steven Reinberg, ÒHormone Replacement Therapy Now Tied to Hearing Loss,Ó HealthDayNews, Wednesday, 25 February 2004.
Judge, Sigma Xi Student Research Day, Univ. at Buffalo, April 2002, 2003, 2004.
Member, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at University at Buffalo (March 2004-June, 2005).
Ad Hoc Reviewer:
Brain Research, European J. Neuroscience (EJN), Free Radical Biology and Medicine (FRBM), Gene Therapy, Hearing Research, J. Audiology and Neuro-Otology (JANO), J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngology (JARO), J. Acoustical Society of America (JASA), J. Comp. Physiology-A (JCP-A), J. Controlled Release, J. Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (JSLH), Pharmacological Research, Medical Principles and Practice; external reviewer for NIOSH.
Grant Reviewer:
National Science Foundation (NSF; 1994)
American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS; 2001, 2003).
U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) and Georgian Research and Development Foundation (GRDF; 2002).
Member, Special Emphasis Panel, National Institute on Aging (NIH/NIA; 2001, 2004).
Member, Special Emphasis Panel, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH/NCCAM; 2002).
II. While at Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL (2005-present):
Undergraduate Research Advisor:
1. Krista Wiseman (2006-2007), ÒCharacterization of Hearing in WIU Brown and Piebald Mice,Ó research project supported by a College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity Grant ($375) awarded 11/14/06.
2. Amanda Zulas (2006-2007), ÒEffects of Modafinil on Sensorimotor Gating in Rats,Ó research project supported by a College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity Grant ($375) awarded 11/14/06.
3. Candice Rizzo, ÒDietary prevention of kanamycin ototoxicity in CBA/CaJ mice.Ó
Honors Thesis Committee Member:
1. Amanda Zulas, ÒInternet Gaming AddictionÓ (2006-2007).
2. Arita Bennett, "Homophobic Reactions to Experiencing Outgroup Exclusion" (2006-2007).
3. Audry Cook, "Motoric and Cognitive Effects of Risperidone and Haloperidol in an Animal Model of Schizophrenia" (2007).
Thesis Committee Member:
1. Aimee Anderson: "Goals and relationships: Teaching goal setting to reduce the influence of interdependence on womenÕs career and educational choices" (defended 5/2/07).
2. Rachel L. Babor: "Interoceptive awareness in eating disorders" (defended 5/21/07).
3. Krisha Otto: "Group membership as a moderator of antisocial responses to exclusion" (2006-2007).
4. Amanda Quisenberry: "Are the reinforcing properties and abuse potential of the novel psychostimulant modafinil similar to those of the classic psychostimulant amphetamine?" (2007).
WIU Departmental Committees:
Undergraduate Support Committee, Member (Fall 2005-present).
Grade Appeals Committee, Member (Fall 2005-present).
Search Committee, Behavior/Learning Psychology position (Fall 2005-Spring 2006).
Search Committee, Lifespan Developmental Psychology position (Fall 2006-Spring 2007).
WIU College Committees: WIU College Grade Appeals Committee, Member (Fall 2006, 2 hearings).
WIU University Committees:
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Member (Fall 2005-present).
Radiation Safety Committee, Faculty At-Large Representative (Fall 2006-Spring 2007).
Amethyst Council, CAS Representative (Spring 2007-Fall 2009).
Reviewer for McGraw-Hill Publishers, new statistics textbook (April 2006).
Ad Hoc Journal Reviewer:
Acta Oto-Laryngologica, Apoptosis, Brain Research, Calcified Tissue International, Ear and Hearing, European Journal of Neuroscience, Hearing Research, J. Audiology and Neuro-Otology (JANO), J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngology (JARO), J. Acoustical Society of America (JASA), J. Controlled Release, Neuropharmacology.
Grant Reviewer:
Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation (NSHRF, 2005).
Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID, 2005).
Member, Special Peer Review Panel, American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS)—onsite scientific peer review of the Military Operational Medicine Research Program at the US Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Fort Rucker, Alabama (April, 2007).
Member, Association for Research in Otolaryngology Program Committee (2006-2007).
BOOK CHAPTERS AND GENERAL REVIEWS (in chronological order):
1. Henderson, D., McFadden, S.L., Gratton, M.A., and Spongr, V. (1995). Similarities and differences between noise induced and age-related hearing loss. In: G. Rossi (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Advanced Research Workshop: 1975-1995 Man and Environmental Noise Twenty Years After. Torino, Italy: Minerva Medica.
2. Henderson, D., Hu, B.H., Zheng, X.Y. and McFadden, S.L.* (1998). The role of free radical scavengers in the prevention of noise-induced hearing loss. In: D. Prasher and L. Luxon (Eds.), Advances in Noise Research Vol. I: Biological Effects of Noise. London: Whurr Publishers LTD, pp. 247-260.
3. Henderson, D., and McFadden, S.L.* (1998). Noise: Ototraumatic effects. In: P. Wexler et al. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Toxicology. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, pp. 61-67.
4. Ding, D.L., Wang, J., Salvi, R., Henderson, D., Hu, B.H., McFadden, S.L., and Mueller, M. (1999). Selective loss of inner hair cells and type I ganglion neurons in carboplatin-treated chinchillas: Mechanisms of damage and protection. In: D. Henderson, R.J. Salvi, A. Quaranta, S.L. McFadden, and R.F. Burkard (eds.), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 884, Ototoxicity: Basic Science and Clinical Applications. NY: New York Academy of Sciences, pp. 152-170.
5. Henderson, D., McFadden, S.L.,* Liu, C.C., Hight, N., and Zheng, X.Y. (1999). The role of antioxidants in protection from impulse noise. In: D. Henderson, R.J. Salvi, A. Quaranta, S.L. McFadden, and R.F. Burkard (eds.), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 884, Ototoxicity: Basic Science and Clinical Applications. NY: New York Academy of Sciences, pp. 368-380.
6. Henderson, D., McFadden, S.L.,* Zheng, X.Y., Kopke, R., and Hight, N. (1999). Intervention possibilities for noise induced hearing loss. In: D. Prasher and B. Canlon (Eds.), Cochlear Pharmacology and Noise Trauma. London: NRN Publishers, pp. 85-95.
7. McFadden, S.L., and Henderson, D. (1999). Recent advances in understanding and preventing noise-induced hearing loss. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology, 7, 266-273.
8. Zheng, X.Y., Salvi, R.J., McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.-L., and Henderson, D. (1999). Recovery from kainic acid excitotoxicity in chinchilla cochlea. In: D. Henderson, R.J. Salvi, A. Quaranta, S.L. McFadden, and R.F. Burkard (eds.), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 884, Ototoxicity: Basic Science and Clinical Applications. NY: New York Academy of Sciences, pp. 255-269.
9. McFadden, S.L. (2000). Sex differences in susceptibility and resistance to noise-induced hearing loss in chinchillas. Storming Media Pentagon Reports, Washington, DC: Report number A676783.
10. Salvi, R.J., McFadden, S.L., and Wang, J. (2000). Anatomy and physiology of the peripheral auditory system. In: R.J. Roeser, M. Valente, and H. Hosford-Dunn (eds.), Audiology Diagnosis. NY: Thieme, pp. 19-43.
11. McFadden, S.L. (2001). Genetics and age-related hearing loss. In: P.R. Hoff, and C.V. Mobbs (eds.), Functional Neurobiology of Aging, Chapter 41. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 597-603.
12. McFadden, S.L. (2001). Basic genetic concepts. In: P.R. Hoff, and C.V. Mobbs (eds.), Functional Neurobiology of Aging, Appendix. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 939-946.
13. Salvi, R.J., Ding, D.L., Eddins, A.C., McFadden, S.L., and Henderson, D. (2001). Age, noise and ototoxic agents. In: P.R. Hoff, and C.V. Mobbs (eds.), Functional Neurobiology of Aging. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 549-563.
14. Burkard, R., Durand, B., Secor, C., and McFadden, S.L. (2001). Auditory brainstem responses in CBA mice and in mice with deletion of the Rab3a gene. In: J.F. Willott (ed.), Handbook of Mouse Auditory Research: From Behavior to Molecular Biology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press LLC.
15. Ding, D.L., McFadden, S.L.,* and Salvi, R.J. (2001). Cochlear hair cell densities and inner ear staining techniques. In: J.F. Willott (ed.), Handbook of Mouse Auditory Research: From Behavior to Molecular Biology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press LLC.
16. McFadden, S.L, Ohlemiller, K.K., Ding, D.L., and Salvi, R.J. (2001). The role of superoxide dismutase in age-related and noise-induced hearing loss: Clues from Sod1 knockout mice. In: J.F. Willott (ed.), Handbook of Mouse Auditory Research: From Behavior to Molecular Biology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press LLC, pp. 489-504.
17. Henderson, D., Zheng, X.Y., and McFadden, S.L. (2001). Cochlear efferent system—a factor in susceptibility to noise? In D. Henderson, D. Prasher, R. Kopke, R. Salvi and R. Hamernik (Eds.), Noise Induced Hearing Loss: Basic Mechanisms, Prevention and Control. London: NRN Publications, pp. 127-139.
18. McFadden, S.L., Ohlemiller, K.K., Ding, D.L., Shero, M., and Salvi, R.J. (2001). The influence of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase deficiencies on noise-induced hearing loss in mice. In D. Henderson, D. Prasher, R. Kopke, R. Salvi and R. Hamernik (Eds.), Noise Induced Hearing Loss: Basic Mechanisms, Prevention and Control. London: NRN Publications, pp. 3-18. [also appears as an article in Noise and Health: Special Issue: Prevention of Noise Induced Hearing Loss, 3, 49-64.]
19. Salvi, R.J., Ding, D., Wang, J., McFadden, S., and Sun, W. (2001). The central auditory system: Implications for cochlear implants. In: The Role of the Brain in Hearing; Proceeds from the 8th Annual Research Symposium, 16th International SHHH Convention, pp. 13-14.
20. Taggart, R.T., McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.L., Henderson, D., Sun, W., and Salvi, R.J. (2001). Gene expression changes in chinchilla cochlea from noise-induced temporary threshold shift. In D. Henderson, D. Prasher, R. Kopke, R. Salvi and R. Hamernik (Eds.), Noise Induced Hearing Loss: Basic Mechanisms, Prevention and Control. London: NRN Publications, pp. 31-54. [also appears as an article in a Noise and Health: Special Issue: Prevention of Noise Induced Hearing Loss, 3, 1-18.]
21. Hu, B.H., Henderson, D., Liu, C.C., Zheng, X.Y., McFadden, S.L., Nicotera, T.M., and Hight, N. (2001). Protection from impulse noise with R-PIA is dependent on the level of the noise and the duration of the treatment. In D. Henderson, D. Prasher, R. Kopke, R. Salvi and R. Hamernik (Eds.), Noise Induced Hearing Loss: Basic Mechanisms, Prevention and Control. London: NRN Publications, pp. 203-214.
22. Salvi, R.J., Ding, D., Wang, J., McFadden, S.L., and Sun, W. (2003). Functional changes in peripheral and central auditory pathways following selective inner hair cell loss. In D.D. Simmons (Ed.), Seminars in Hearing: New Frontiers in the Amelioration of Hearing Loss: Part 2—Hair Cell Development, Regeneration, Protection, and Rescue (Vol. 24(2)). New York: Thieme, pp. 135-145.
23. McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.L., Lobarinas, E., and Salvi, R.J. (2005). Superoxide and acquired hearing loss. In: D. Salvemini (Eds.), Therapeutic Uses of Superoxide Dismutase and Its Mimetics, Landes Bioscience.
24. McFadden, S.L. (2007). Biochemical bases of hearing. In: K. Campbell (Ed.), Pharmacology and Ototoxicity for Audiologists. New York: Thomson Delmar Learning, pp. 86-123.
25. McFadden, S.L., and Willott, J.F. (2007). Interactions between noise exposure and aging in the peripheral and central auditory system—animal studies. In: L. Luxon and D. Prasher (Eds.), Noise and Its Effects. West Susex, England: John Wiley & Son Ltd.
1. Willott, J.F., Bross, L.S., and McFadden, S.L. (1992). Morphology of the dorsal cochlear nucleus in C57BL/6J and CBA/J mice across the life span. J. Comparative Neurology 321, 666-678.
2. Willott, J.F., Aitkin, L.M., and McFadden, S.L. (1993). Plasticity of primary auditory cortex (AI) associated with sensorineural hearing loss in adult C57BL/6J mice. J. Comparative Neurology 329, 402-411.
3. McFadden, S.L., and Willott, J.F. (1994a). Responses of inferior colliculus neurons in C57BL/6J mice with and without sensorineural hearing loss: Effects of changing the azimuthal location of an unmasked pure-tone stimulus. Hearing Research 78, 115-131.
4. McFadden, S.L., and Willott, J.F. (1994b). Responses of inferior colliculus neurons in C57BL/6J mice with and without sensorineural hearing loss: Effects of changing the azimuthal location of a continuous noise masker on responses to contralateral tones. Hearing Research 78, 132-148.
5. Willott, J.F., Bross, L.S., and McFadden, S.L. (1994a). Morphology of the cochlear nucleus in CBA/J mice with chronic, severe sensorineural cochlear pathology induced during adulthood. Hearing Research 74, 1-21.
6. Willott, J.F., Bross, L.S., and McFadden, S.L. (1994b). Morphology of the inferior colliculus in C57BL/6J and CBA/J mice across the life span. Neurobiology of Aging 15, 175-184.
7. McFadden, S.L., Walsh, E.J., and McGee, J. (1996). Onset and development of auditory brainstem response thresholds in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). Hearing Research 100, 68-79.
8. Hu, B.H., Zheng, X.Y., McFadden, S.L., Kopke, R., and Henderson, D. (1997). R-PIA attenuates noise-induced hearing loss in the chinchilla. Hearing Research 113, 198-206.
9. McFadden, S.L., Campo, P., Quaranta, N., and Henderson, D. (1997). Age-related decline of auditory function in the chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger). Hearing Research 111, 114-126.
10. McFadden, S.L., Henderson, D., and Quaranta, A. (1997). Remote masking in normal-hearing and noise-exposed chinchillas. J. Audiology and Neuro-Otology 2, 128-138.
11. McFadden, S.L., Henderson, D., and Shen, Y.H. (1997). Low-frequency ÔconditioningÕ exposures provide long-term protection from noise-induced hearing loss in chinchillas. Hearing Research 103, 142-150.
12. McFadden, S.L., Quaranta, N., and Henderson, D. (1997). Suprathreshold measures of auditory function in the aging chinchilla. Hearing Research 111, 127-136.
13. Quaranta, A., McFadden, S.L., Henderson, D., and Sallustio, V. (1997). Remote masking in noise-exposed chinchillas. Acta Oto-Laryngologica (Stockh) 117, 226-228.
14. Zheng, X.Y., Ding, D.L., McFadden, S.L. and Henderson, D. (1997). Evidence that the inner hair cells are the major source of cochlear summating potentials. Hearing Research 113, 76-88.
15. Zheng, X.Y., Henderson, D., Hu, B.H., Ding, D.L., and McFadden, S.L. (1997) The influence of the cochlear efferent system on chronic acoustic trauma. Hearing Research 107, 147-159.
16. Zheng, X.Y., Henderson, D., Hu, B.H., and McFadden, S.L. (1997). Recovery of structure and function of inner ear afferent synapses following kainic acid excitotoxicity. Hearing Research 105, 65-76.
17. Zheng, X.Y., Henderson, D., McFadden, S.L, and Hu, B.H. (1997). The role of the cochlear efferent system in acquired resistance to noise-induced hearing loss. Hearing Research 104, 191-203.
18. McFadden, S.L., and Campo, P. (1998). Cubic distortion product otoacoustic emissions in young and aged chinchillas exposed to low-frequency noise. J. Acoustical Society of America 104, 2290-2297.
19. McFadden, S.L., Campo, P., Ding, D.L., and Quaranta, N. (1998). Effects of low-frequency noise on evoked potentials and cochlear anatomy in young and aged chinchillas. Hearing Research 117, 81-96.
20. McFadden, S.L., Kasper, C., Ostrowski, J., Ding, D.L., and Salvi, R.J. (1998). Effects of inner hair cell loss on inferior colliculus evoked potential thresholds, amplitudes and forward masking functions in chinchillas. Hearing Research 120, 121-132.
21. Spongr, V., Henderson, D., and McFadden, S.L.* (1998). Confocal microscopic analysis of chinchilla organ of Corti following exposure to high-level impact noise. Scandanavian Audiology 27 (Suppl. 48), 15-25.
22. Walsh, E.J., McGee, J., McFadden, S.L., and Liberman, M.C. (1998). Long-term effects of sectioning the olivocochlear bundle in neonatal cats. J. Neuroscience 18, 3859-3869.
23. Zheng, X.Y., McFadden, S.L.,* and Henderson, D. (1998). Faster recovery in central than in peripheral auditory system following a reversible cochlear deafferentation. Neuroscience 85, 579-586.
24. Ding, D.L., McFadden, S.L.*, Wang, J., Hu, B.H., and Salvi, R.J. (1999). Age- and strain-related differences in dehydrogenase activity and glycogen levels in CBA and C57 mouse cochleas. J. Audiology and Neuro-Otology 4, 55-63.
25. Henderson, D., Hu, B.H., McFadden, S.L., and Zheng, X.Y. (1999). Evidence of a common pathway in noise-induced hearing loss and carboplatin ototoxicity. Noise and Health 5, 53-69.
26. Hu, B.H., McFadden, S.L., Salvi, R.J., and Henderson, D. (1999). Intracochlear infusion of buthionine sulfoximine potentiates carboplatin ototoxicity in the chinchilla. Hearing Research 128, 125-134.
27. McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.L., A.G. Reaume, Flood, D.G., and Salvi, R.J. (1999). Age-related cochlear hair cell loss is enhanced in mice lacking copper/zinc superoxide dismutase. Neurobiology of Aging 20, 1-8.
28. McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.L., Burkard, R.J., Jiang, H., Salvi, R.J., and Flood, D.G. (1999). Cu/Zn SOD deficiency potentiates hearing loss and cochlear pathology in aged 129,CD-1 mice. J. Comparative Neurology 413, 101-112.
29. McFadden, S.L., Henselman, L.W, and Zheng, X.Y. (1999). Sex differences in auditory sensitivity of chinchillas before and after exposure to impulse noise. Ear and Hearing 20, 164-174.
30. Ohlemiller, K.K., McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.-L., Flood, D.G., Reaume, A.G., Hoffman, E.K., Scott, R.W., Wright, J.S., Putcha, G.V., and Salvi, R.J. (1999). Targeted deletion of the cytosolic Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase gene (Sod1) increases susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss. J. Audiology and Neuro-Otology 4, 237-246.
31. Zheng, X.Y., Henderson, D., McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.L., and Salvi, R.J. (1999). Auditory nerve fiber responses following chronic cochlear de-efferentation. J. Comparative Neurology 406, 72-86.
32. McFadden, S.L., Zheng, X.Y., and Ding, D.L. (2000). Conditioning-induced protection from impulse noise in female and male chinchillas. J. Acoustical Society of America 107, 2162-2168.
33. Zheng, X.Y., McFadden, S.L., Henderson, D., Ding, D.L., and Burkard, R.F. (2000). Cochlear microphonics and distortion product otoacoustic emissions in chronically de-efferented chinchilla. Hearing Research 143, 14-22.
34. Zheng, X.Y., McFadden, S.L., Henderson, D., and Ding, D.L. (2000). Cochlear de-efferentation and impulse noise exposure. Hearing Research 144, 187-195.
35. Ohlemiller, K.K., McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.L., Lear, P.M., and Ho, Y.S. (2000). Targeted mutation of the gene for cellular glutathione peroxidase (Gpx1) increases noise-induced hearing loss in mice. J. Research in Otolaryngology 1, 243-254.
36. McFadden, S.L., Ding, D., and Salvi, R.J. (2001). Anatomical, metabolic and genetic aspects of age-related hearing loss in mice. Audiology 40, 313-321
37. McFadden, S.L., Ohlemiller, K.K., Ding, D.L., Shero, M., and Salvi, R.J. (2001). The influence of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase deficiencies on noise-induced hearing loss in mice. Noise & Health 3, 49-64.
38. Taggart, R.T., McFadden, S.L.*, Ding, D.L., Henderson, D., Jin, X., Sun, W., and Salvi, R.J.* (2001). Gene expression changes in chinchilla cochlea from noise-induced temporary threshold shift. Noise & Health 3, 1-18.
39. Ding, D., McFadden, S.L.,* and Salvi, R.J. (2002). Calpain activation and morphological damage in chinchilla inner ears after carboplatin. J. Research in Otolaryngology 3, 68-79.
40. Ding, D., McFadden, S.L.,* Woo, J.M., and Salvi, R.J. (2002). Ethacrynic acid rapidly and selectively abolishes blood flow in vessels supplying the lateral wall of the cochlea. Hearing Research 173, 1-9.
41. Wang, J., McFadden, S.L., Caspary, D., and Salvi, R.J. (2002). Gamma-aminobutyric acid circuits shape acoustic response properties of auditory cortex neurons. Brain Research 944, 219-231.
42. McFadden, S.L., Ding, D., Jiang, H., Woo, J.M., and Salvi, R.J. (2002). Chinchilla models of selective cochlear hair cell loss. Hearing Research 174, 230-238.
43. McFadden, S.L., Ding, D., Salvemini, D., and Salvi, R.J. (2003). M40403, an SOD mimetic, protects hair cells from gentamicin, but not carboplatin toxicity. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 186, 46-54.
44. Hight, N.G., McFadden, S.L., Henderson, D., Burkard, R.F., Nicotera, T. (2003). Noise-induced hearing loss in chinchillas pre-treated with glutathione monoethylester and R-PIA. Hearing Research 179, 21-32.
45. Ding, D., McFadden, S.L.,* Jiang, H., and Salvi, R.J. (2003). Late dosing with ethacrynic acid can reduce gentamicin concentration in perilymph and protect cochlear hair cells. Hearing Research 185, 90-96.
46. McFadden, S.L., Ding, D., and Salvi, R.J. (2004). Time course of efferent fiber and spiral ganglion cell degeneration following complete hair cell loss in the chinchilla. Brain Research 997, 40-51.
47. Nicotera, T.M., Ding, D., McFadden, S.L., Salvemini, D., and Salvi, R.J. (2004). Paraquat-induced hair cell damage and protection with the SOD-mimetic M40403. Journal of Audiology and Neuro-Otology 9, 353-362 .
48. McFadden, S.L., Woo, J.M., Michalak, N., and Ding, D. (2005). Dietary vitamin C supplementation reduces noise-induced hearing loss in guinea pigs. Hearing Research 202, 200-208.
49. Martin, L.B., Chidambaram, R.M, Schroeder, K.E., and McFadden, S.L.* (2005). Thyroparathyroidectomy procedures and thyroxine levels in the chinchilla. Contemporary Topics in Lab Animal Sciences 44(6), 31-36.
50. Willott, J. F., L. S. Bross, and McFadden, S. (2005). Ameliorative effects of exposing DBA/2J mice to an augmented acoustic environment on histological changes in the cochlea and anteroventral cochlear nucleus. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 6(3), 234-243.
51. Keller, W.D., Tillery, K.L., and McFadden, S.L. (2006). Auditory processing disorders in children diagnosed with nonverbal learning disability. American Journal of Audiology 15, 108-113.
52. El-Badry, M.M., and McFadden, S.L.* (2007). Physiological correlates of progressive sensorineural degeneration in the carboplatin-treated chinchilla. Brain Research 1134, 122-130.
53. El-Badry, M.M., Ding, D., McFadden, S.L.,* and Eddins, A.C. (2007). Physiological effects of auditory nerve demyelination in chinchillas. European Journal of Neuroscience 25, 1437-1446.
*manuscript author
1. Henderson, D., McFadden, S.L., and Shen, Y.H. (1996). Persistence of acquired resistance to noise. XXIII International Congress of Audiology, Bari, Italy.
2. McFadden, S.L. (1996). Age-related hearing loss in the chinchilla. Advances in Hearing Science, 1st Meeting of the Lake Ontario Research Group, Buffalo, NY.
3. Quaranta, N., McFadden, S.L., Levine, S., and Henderson, D. (1996). Threshold and suprathreshold measures of auditory function in young and aging chinchillas. XXIII International Congress of Audiology, Bari, Italy.
4. Henderson, D., Hu, B.H., McFadden, S.L., and Kopke, R. (1997). Pharmacological intervention for NIHL. 34th Workshop on Inner Ear Biology, Fosa Marina I Ostuni, Italy.
5. Henderson, D., Hu, B.H., McFadden, S.L., Steinman, H., and Kopke, R. (1997). Pharmacological intervention with noise induced hearing loss (popular version of paper 3aNSa4 presented at 133rd ASA/NOISE-CON 97 Meeting, State College, Pennsylvania, 1997), Acoustical Society of America, World Wide Press Room.
6. Henderson, D., Hu, B.H., Zheng, X.Y., and McFadden, S.L. (1997). The role of free radical scavengers in the prevention of noise induced hearing loss. Protection Against Noise, London, England.
7. Zheng, X.Y., McFadden, S.L., and Henderson, D. (1997). Lesions of the olivocochlear bundle increase noise-induced cochlear dysfunction in chinchillas. 34th Workshop on Inner Ear Biology, Fosa Marina I Ostuni, Italy.
8. Henderson, D., Hight, N., Liu, C.C., McFadden, S.L., Zheng, X.Y., and Ding, D.L. (1998). Pharmacological approaches to preventing noise-induced hearing loss. XXIV International Congress of Audiology, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
9. Henderson, D., Liu, C.C., McFadden, S.L., Zheng, X.Y., and Hight, N. (1998). Role of free radicals in NIHL and ototoxicity. Ototoxicity: Basic Research and Clinical Applications, Bari, Italy.
10. Henderson, D., McFadden, S.L., and Zheng, X.Y. (1998). The role of antioxidants in resistance to NIHL. Noise Effects Õ98: 7th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Sydney, Australia.
11. Henderson, D., McFadden, S.L., and Zheng, X.Y. (1998). The role of antioxidants and susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss. Cochlear Pharmacology and Noise Trauma: Prevention and Progress, May 1-2, Novartis Foundation, London, England.
12. Salvi, R.J., Ding. D.L., Wang, J., Henderson, D., Hu, B.H., and McFadden, S.L. (1998). Selective loss of inner hair cells and type I ganglion neurons in carboplatin-treated chinchillas: Mechanisms of damage and protection. Ototoxicity: Basic Research and Clinical Applications, Bari, Italy.
13. Zheng, X.Y., Salvi, R.J., McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.L., and Henderson, D. (1998). Recovery of kainic acid excitotoxicity in chinchilla cochlea. Ototoxicity: Basic Research and Clinical Applications, Bari, Italy.
14. Henderson, D., Hu, B.H., McFadden, S.L., Zheng, X.Y., and Ding, D.L. (1999). The role of glutathione in carboplatin ototoxicity in the chinchilla. International Audiological Symposium, Zakopane, Poland.
15. McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.L., Jiang, H., Burkard, R.F., Salvi, R.J., and Flood, D.G. (1999). SOD deficiency accelerates age-related hearing loss in mice. Clinical and Basic Research in Otolaryngology, Beijing, China.
16. McFadden, S.L., Zheng, X.Y., Ding, D.L., and Henderson, D. (1999). Cochlear de-efferentation and acoustic trauma induced by impulse noise. 2nd Meeting of the Lake Ontario Research Group, Syracuse, NY.
17. Henderson, D., Zheng, X.Y., Hight, N.G., McFadden, S.L., and Kopke, R. (2000). Life and death in the cochlea. Military Audiology Association Short Course, Norfolk, VA.
18. McFadden, S.L. and Ding, D.L. (2000). Age-related and noise-induced hearing loss in Sod1 knockout mice. The 2nd International Conference on Superoxide Dismutases, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.
19. Henderson, D., Zheng, X.Y., and McFadden, S.L. (2000). Role of the cochlear efferent system in noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). NOPHER 2000: An International Symposium on Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Cambridge, UK.
20. McFadden, S.L., Ohlemiller, K.K., Ding, D.L., and Salvi, R.J. (2000). The influence of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase deficiencies on noise-induced hearing loss in mice. NOPHER 2000: An International Symposium on Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Cambridge, UK.
21. Nicotera, T., Henderson, D., Zheng, X.Y., Ding, D., Hu, B.H., Hight, N., and McFadden, S.L. (2000). Mechanisms of cell death with noise induced hearing loss. NOPHER 2000: An International Symposium on Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Cambridge, UK.
22. Taggart, R.T., McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.L., Henderson, D., Sun, W., and Salvi, R.J. (2000). Gene expression changes in chinchilla inner ear from noise-induced temporary threshold shift. NOPHER 2000: An International Symposium on Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Cambridge, UK.
23. Salvi, R.J., Ding, D., Wang, J., McFadden, S.L., and Sun, W. (2001). Functional changes in peripheral and central auditory pathways following selective inner hair cell loss. New Frontiers in the Amelioration of Hearing Loss. Central Institute for the Deaf, St. Louis, MO.
24. Henderson, D., Hight, N., Hu, B.H., Nicotera, T., McFadden, S.L., and Zheng, X.Y. (2001). Protection from noise-induced hearing loss. Biology of Noise Induced Hearing Loss: Mechanisms of Injury, Protection, Recovery, Seattle, WA.
25. Salvi, R.J., Ding, D., and McFadden, S.L. (2001). Age related anatomical and histochemical changes in the inner ear of CBA, C57 and SOD1 knockout mice. International Conference on "Ageing and Hearing Loss," Riva dei Tessali, Italy.
26. Ding, D., Stracher, A., McFadden, S.L., and Salvi, R.J. (2002). Leupeptin, a calpain inhibitor, protects against noise and gentamicin-induced hair cell loss. Pharmacological Protection of the Inner Ear, Rome, Italy.
27. Salvi, R., Ding, D., McFadden, S., and Salvemini, D. (2002). M40403, a superoxide dismutase mimetic, prevents hair cell loss in gentamicin-treated cochlear cultures. Pharmacological Protection of the Inner Ear, Rome, Italy.
28. Woo, J.M., and McFadden, S.L. (2005). Can vitamin C mitigate noise-induced hearing loss? Hearing Health 21(1).
29. McFadden, S.L. (2006). Age-related hearing loss in humans and other animals: Can antioxidants help? Presentation at Psychology Dept. Spring 2006 Colloquium Series, Western Illinois University, April 7.
30. McFadden, S.L., and Willott, J.F. (2006). Hearing and mouse behavior. 8th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society (IBANGS), Vancouver, Canada, May 21.
31. McFadden, S.L. (2007). Using dietary antioxidants to reduce hearing loss from aging, noise and drugs. Comparative Psychology in the Midwestern Region: Research with Rodents, Birds, and Humans. Invited Symposium at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, May 4.
1. McFadden, S.L., and Willott, J.F. (1990). Responses of inferior colliculus neurons in 2-month-old C57BL/6J mice as a function of stimulus azimuth. Society for Neuroscience, St. Louis, MO.
2. Willott, J.F., Bross, L.S., McFadden, S.L., and Burke, P. (1991). Morphology of the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) in young and old C57BL/6J and CBA/J mice. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans.
3. Frintner, M.L., Sandridge, S.A., and McFadden, S.L. (1992). Harmonic distortion in four BTE hearing aids. Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, Austin, TX.
4. Sandridge, S.A., Frintner, M.L., and McFadden, S.L. (1992). Harmonic distortion in custom ITE hearing aids. American Speech and Hearing Assoc., Dallas, TX.
5. Sandridge, S.A., Frintner, M.L., and McFadden, S.L. (1992). Harmonic distortion levels in four BTE hearing aids. American Speech and Hearing Assoc., Dallas, TX.
6. Sandridge, S.A., Frintner, M.L., and McFadden, S.L. (1992). The effect of harmonic distortion on speech intelligibility and sound quality in ITEs. Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, Austin, TX.
7. Willott, J.F., Aitkin, L.M., and McFadden, S.L. (1992). Changes in tonotopic organization of auditory cortex (AI) of C57BL/6J (C57) mice associated with sensorineural hearing loss. Society for Neuroscience, Annaheim, CA.
8. Willott, J.F., Bross, L.S., McFadden, S.L., and Burke, P. (1992). Effects of chronic sensorineural damage on the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) of mice. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
9. McFadden, S.L., and Willott, J.F. (1993). Azimuth sensitivity of inferior colliculus neurons in C57BL/6J mice with and without sensorineural hearing loss. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.
10. McFadden, S.L., and Willott, J.F. (1993). Free-field masking of inferior colliculus neurons: Effects of noise location and sensori-neural hearing loss in C57BL/6J mice. ARO, St. Petersburg, FL.
11. Willott, J.F., Bross, L.S., Devereux, C., McFadden, S.L., and Burke, P. (1993). Effects of severe sensorineural cochlear damage on the anteroventral cochlear nucleus of adult CBA/J mice: Age at onset and duration of denervation. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
12. McFadden, S.L., Shen, Y.H., and Henderson, D. (1996). Low-frequency conditioning exposures provide long-term protection from noise-induced threshold shifts in chinchillas. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
13. Quaranta, A., McFadden, S.L., Henderson, D., and Zheng, X.Y. (1996). Remote masking in the normal and noise exposed chinchilla. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
14. Quaranta, N., McFadden, S.L., and Henderson, D. (1996). Threshold and suprathreshold measures of auditory function in young and aged chinchillas. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
15. Zheng, X.Y., Henderson, D., McFadden, S.L., Spongr, V., and Hofstetter, P. (1996). The influence of the olivocochlear efferent system on the development of Òtoughening.Ó ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
16. Arnold, S., Burkard, R., and McFadden, S. (1997). Characteristics of the evoked potential difference tone in normal and noise-exposed chinchillas. American Academy of Audiology.
17. Burkard, R.F., Secor, C., and McFadden, S.L. (1997). A comparison of the near-field response from the inferior colliculus and the auditory brainstem response in the chinchilla. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
18. McFadden, S.L., Campo, P., Howard, M., Kim, K., and Henderson, D. (1997). Evoked potential thresholds of young and aged chinchillas before and after exposure to low-frequency noise. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
19. Walsh, E.J., McGee, J., Liberman, M.C., and McFadden, S.L. (1997). Long-term physiological consequences of cutting the olivocochlear bundle (OCB) in neonatal animals. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
20. McFadden, S.L., Burkard, R.F., Ding, D.L., Salvi, R.J., Reaume, A.G., Hoffman, E.K., Flood, D.G., and Scott, R.W. (1998). Auditory brainstem responses and cochlear histopathology in mice with targeted deletions of the SOD-1 gene. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
21. Salvi, R.J., Ding. D.L., Burkard, R.F., McFadden, S.L., Reaume, A.G., Hoffman, E.K., Flood, D.G., and Scott, R.W. (1998). Mice deficient in Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase exhibit greater age-related sensory cell loss. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
22. Zheng, X.Y., Henderson, D., McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.L., and Salvi, R.J. (1998). Auditory nerve fiber responses following chronic cochlear de-efferentation. ARO, St. Petersburg, FL.
23. Zheng, X.Y., McFadden, S.L., and Henderson, D. (1998). Functional plasticity of the central auditory system following a reversible cochlear deafferentation. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
24. Burkard, R.F., McFadden, S.L., and Secor, C.A. (1999). The effects of continuous broadband masking noise on the inferior colliculus potential of the unanesthetized chinchilla. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. Abstr. 871, 218. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
25. Hight, N., Henderson, D., McFadden, S.L., Zheng, X.Y., Ding, D.L. (1999). The effect of glutathione monoethyl ester (GSHee) on hearing loss and hair cell loss in chinchillas exposed to impulse noise. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
26. Liu, C.C., Zheng, X.Y., Henderson, D., McFadden, S.L., Hight, N., and Ding, D.L. (1999). Protection from impulse noise with prior treatment with R-PIA. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
27. McFadden, S.L., Burkard, R.F., Ohlemiller, K.K., Durand, B.I., Ding, D.L., Flood, D.G., and Salvi, R.J. (1999). Copper/zinc superoxide dismutase deficiency potentiates age-related and noise-induced hearing loss in SOD-1 mice. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
28. McFadden, S.L., Zheng, X.Y., Ding, D.L., and Henderson, D. (1999). Differences between female and male chinchillas in susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
29. Nicotera, T., Henderson, D., Zheng, X.Y., Ding, D., and McFadden, S.L. (1999). Reactive oxygen species, necrosis and apoptosis in noise-exposed cochleas of chinchillas. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
30. Secor, C.A., Burkard, R.F., and McFadden, S.L. (1999). Toneburst and derived-band responses from the inferior colliculus of chinchillas before and after noise exposure. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL
31. Zheng, X.Y., McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.L., and Henderson, D. (1999). Cochlear de-efferentation increases impulse noise-induced hearing loss and hair cell loss in the chinchilla. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
32. Zheng, X.Y., McFadden, S.L., Henderson, D., and Ding, D.L. (1999). Electromechanical responses in chronically de-efferented chinchilla cochlea. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
33. Henderson, D., Zheng, X.Y., and McFadden, S.L. (2000). Chronic cochlear de-efferentation alters evoked potential tuning curves and forward masking functions. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
34. Hight, N., Henderson, D., McFadden, S.L., Zheng, X.Y., and Ding, D.L. (2000). The potential protective effects of glutathione monoethyl ester (GEE) and R-phenylisopropyl adenosine (R-PIA) before a noise exposure. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
35. Lockwood, D., McFadden, S.L., Jiang, H., and Rosenberg, L. (2000). Systemic treatment with estradiol reduces noise-induced hearing loss in the chinchilla. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
36. McFadden, S.L., Burkard, R.F., Shero, M., Ding, D.L., Salvi, R.J., and Flood, D.G. (2000). Chronic oxidative stress does not exacerbate noise-induced hearing loss in SOD1 mice. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
37. Sun, W., Ding, D.L., Chen, L., Slaughter, M., McFadden, S.L., and Salvi, R.J. (2000). Preliminary study of action potentials and voltage-sensitive currents in cultured spiral ganglion neurons from C57BL/10J mice. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
38. Taggart, R.T., McFadden, S.L., Ding, D.L., Henderson, D., and Salvi, R.J. (2000). Noise-induced inner ear gene expression: Preliminary studies with chinchilla. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
39. Ding, D.L., Jin, X.J., McFadden, S.L., and Salvi, R.J. (2001). Changes in cochlear potentials and enzyme activities after ethacrynic acid injection are secondary to stria vascularis ischemia. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
40. Ding, D.L., Jiang, H.Y., Jin, X.J., McFadden, S.L., and Salvi, R.J. (2001). Co-administration of ethacrynic acid and various doses of gentamicin produce different models of selective cochlear damage in chinchillas. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
41. Jin, X.J., Ding, D.L., McFadden, S.L., and Salvi, R.J. (2001). Localization of annexin VI transcripts in cochleas of normal, carboplatin-treated and noise-exposed chinchillas. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
42. Bielefeld, E., Zheng, X.Y., Ding, D., Henderson, D., and McFadden, S.L. (2001). The effects of partial de-efferentation on noise-induced hearing loss. 3rd Meeting of the Lake Ontario Hearing Group, Toronto, Canada.
43. Kee, R., McFadden, S.L., and Burkard, R. (2001). Distortion in the cochlear microphonic. 3rd Meeting of the Lake Ontario Hearing Group, Toronto, Canada.
44. McFadden, S.L., Ding, D., Jin, X., Woo, J.M., and Salvi, R.J. (2001). SOD1 deficiency, mitochondrial DNA deletions, and loss of cells in the inner ear of aging mice. Brain Aging: Identifying Accelerators and Brakes. The 2nd Neurobiology of Aging Conference, San Diego, CA.
45. Nicotera, T.M., Henderson, D., Zheng, X.Y., Hu, B.H., Hight, N.G., and McFadden, S.L. (2001). R-PIA increases cochlear glutathione and protects against NIHL. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
46. Wang, J., McFadden, S.L., Caspary, D., and Salvi, R.J. (2001). Modulation of neuronal activity in the chinchilla auditory cortex by endogenous GABA. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
47. Woo, J.M., and McFadden, S.L. (2001). Endogenous antioxidants influence susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss. Sigma Xi Scientific Research Day, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
48. Zheng, X.Y., Bielefeld, E., Carney, K., Henderson, D., and McFadden, S.L. (2001). No changes in noise-induced hearing loss or cochlear damage following partial cochlear de-efferentation. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
49. Ding, D., McFadden, S.L., Jiang, H., and Salvi, R. (2002). The chinchilla as a model of rapid spiral ganglion cell degeneration. ARO Abstr. 140, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
50. Ding, D., McFadden, S.L., Jiang, H., Woo, J., Browne, R., and Salvi, R. (2002) Can ethacrynic acid rescue cochlear hair cells from gentamicin ototoxicity? ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
51. Ding, D., McFadden, S.L., Jiang, H., and Salvi, R. (2002). Quantitative measurement of type I hair cell loss, ganglion cell loss and vestibular nystagmus after carboplatin. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL. (subsequently published as an article in the Chinese Journal of Speech and Hearing Research.)
52. Salvi, R., Ding, D., McFadden, S., and Salvemini, D. (2002). Superoxide dismutase mimetic M40403 protects hair cells in gentamicin treated cochlear cultures. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
53. Woo, J.M., McFadden, S.L., Browne, R., and Salvi, R.J. (2002). Compensatory upregulation of glutathione peroxidase may protect middle-aged SOD1 KO mice from noise-induced hearing loss. ARO, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
54. Keller, W.D., Tillery, K.L., and McFadden, S.L. (2002). The relationship between nonverbal learning disorders and auditory processing disorders. Meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists, Miami, FL.
55. Ding, D., McFadden, S.L., Salvemini, D., Nicotera, T., and Salvi, R.J. (2003). Paraquat-induced hair cell damage and protective effect of M40403. ARO, Daytona Beach, FL.
56. Ding, D., McFadden, S.L., Jiang, H., and Salvi, R.J. (2003). Time course of olivocochlear efferent fiber degeneration following a single high dose of gentamicin and ethacrynic acid in the chinchilla. ARO, Daytona Beach, FL.
57. Ding, D., Yu, Z., McFadden, S.L., and Salvi, R.J. (2003). Proliferation of supporting cells in mouse cochlear organotypic cultures. ARO, Daytona Beach, FL.
58. Keller, W.D., Tillery, K.L., and McFadden, S.L. (2003). The relationship between nonverbal learning disorders and auditory processing disorders. Poster presented at Speech and Hearing Association of Western New York Annual Research Conference, Buffalo, NY.
59. Sun, J., Ding, D., Sun, W., McFadden, S.L., and Salvi, R.J. (2003). Carboplatin results in neuron loss in the chinchilla cochlear nucleus but not the inferior colliculus or auditory cortex. ARO, Daytona Beach, FL. (also published in Chinese Journal of Otology, 2003).
60. Woo, J.M., Ding, D., and McFadden, S.L. (2003). Vitamin C supplementation decreases susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss. Sigma Xi Scientific Research Day, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. (selected as one of five award winning presentations in a university-wide faculty-judged competition.)
61. Tillery, K., Keller, W., and McFadden, S. (2003). Nonverbal learning and auditory processing disorders. SSW Reports, 25, May 2003.
62. El-Badry, M., Ding, D., McFadden, S.L., and Eddins, A. (2003). Anatomical and physiological changes following experimental demyelination of the auditory nerve in chinchillas. 4th Bi-annual Lake Ontario Auditory Meeting, Univ. of Rochester Medical Center.
63. Woo, J., Ding, D., and McFadden, S.L. (2003). Supplementation of Vitamin C decreases susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss. 4th Bi-annual Lake Ontario Auditory Meeting, Univ. of Rochester Medical Center.
64. Ding, D., Jiang, H., McFadden, S.L., and Salvi, R.J. (2004). Hair cell loss from the combination of gentamicin and ethacrynic acid is initiated by caspase 9 and cytochrome c release. ARO, Daytona Beach, FL.
65. El-Badry, M., Eddins, A., and McFadden, S.L. (2004). Onset and progression of physiological changes in carboplatin treated chinchillas. ARO, Daytona Beach, FL.
66. El-Badry, M., Ding, D., Eddins, A., and McFadden, S.L. (2004). Morphological abnormalities 12 h after carboplatin are not reflected in various physiological measures. ARO, Daytona Beach, FL.
67. Keller, W.D., Tillery, K.L., and McFadden, S.L. (2004). The relationship between nonverbal learning disorders and auditory processing disorders. Poster presented at Research Exposition at SUNY at Fredonia, NY.
68. Woo, J.M., Ding, D., Michalak, N., and McFadden, S.L. (2004). Dietary Vitamin C protects against noise-induced hearing loss. 16th Annual AAA Convention and Expo, Salt Lake City, Utah.
69. Ding, D., Jiang, H., McFadden, S., and Salvi, R. (2004). Ethacrynic acid is the key for opening of the blood-labyrinth barrier. Chinese J. of Otology 2, 42-47.
70. Willott, J., McFadden, S., Ding, D., and Jiang, H. (2005). Progressive hearing loss and loss of central neurons in DBA/2J mice are ameliorated by very early initiation of treatment with an augmented acoustic environment. ARO, New Orleans. ARO Abstr. 413, p. 157.
71. El-Badry, M.M., Ding, D., and McFadden, S.L. (2006). Physiological changes following lesions in the auditory nerve afferent and inner hair cells in carboplatin treated chinchillas. 24th Alexandria International Combined Otolaryngology Conference, Alexandria, Egypt, April 13.
72. Keller, W.D., Tillery, K.L., McFadden, S.L. (2006). Auditory Processing Disorders in Children Diagnosed with Nonverbal Learning Disability. 64th Annual Convention, International Council of Psychologists, Kos Island, Greece.
73. El-Badry, M.M., McFadden, S.L., and Ding, D. (2006). Pathology underlying auditory neuropathy. The 2nd Shanghai International Conference on Physiological Biophysics--Audition & Vision, Shanghai, China.
74. Blankenship, M., Crull, M., Bara J., Davis, J., and McFadden, S.L. (2007). The role of glucocorticoids in the amygdala during prepulse inhibition. Annual Meeting of the Chicago Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience, DePaul University, March 23.