Instructions for Downloading Student Data Files for IS340




2.  Start Internet Explorer or other browser


3.  Type the following address (URL):


4.  Find the textbook for your class – be sure you have the correct text.


NOTE:  if at any point in this process a Debug message appears, always click NO.


5.  Under Student Materials click the Student Data Files Button.


6.  Click either the link for Bulk Download of all the Student Data Files, or the link for the particular chapter files you want.


7.  In the File Download window, click the SAVE button, then the OK button.


8.  Find the file in your Downloads folder.



NOTE:  Absolutely no classroom time will be spent on file management.  Questions about file transfer methodologies may be addressed to the instructor during office hours, NOT during classroom time.


          NOTE:  Remember to BACKUP your data files.  Disks and drives seem to fail at the worst possible moments, so you should always have a backup of your data files with you during the days you will be working in the computer room.  A failed disk and no backups will result in your being asked to leave the classroom for the day, and you will receive an unexcused absence for that class period.




Several of the homework problems are dependant on previous coursework and failing to backup your files may result in many hours doing prior homework over again.