Department of Curriculum and Instruction Lesson Plan Format ~ W.I.U.

I. Curricular Area/Topic:

II. Date/Timeframe for Lesson:

III. Rationale:

IV. Primary Literacy Standards: Write out each applicable standard.

V. Objectives:

VI. Materials/Resources/Technology: Materials (worksheets, overhead transparencies, etc.) are to be attached to lesson plans and other teaching resources (literature selections, charts, posters, etc.) should be included when lesson plans are submitted.

VII. Management/Organizing for Instruction: Explain options/procedures for grouping, managing equipment/resources, etc.

VIII. Lesson Delivery: These lesson components should be included; vary the order, as needed.

1 Introduce the Lesson: Activate prior knowledge (include specific questions that will be asked).

2 Clarify the purpose and objectives of the lesson: Explain to the learners what they will do and why (objectives & rationale) using language students will understand. Explain how this lesson relates to ongoing or future classroom instruction.

3 Provide Instruction: List in sequential, step-by-step order, the following procedures, as needed:

• Instruction and modeling (explain and/or demonstrate)
• Guided practice (lead students through one or more examples)
• Checking for understanding (include specific questions to be asked)
• Student practice (provide clear directions as to what students are to do on their own)

4 Closure: Summarize the main points of the lesson, what was accomplished, connect to the overall "big ideas," etc.

IX. Assessment: Include specific procedures and scoring devices/scales. Attach copies of any paper/pencil assessments to be used. Procedures for assessment should be noted in "provide instruction."

X. Accommodating Individual Learner:

• Explain modifications for meeting individual needs.
• List options for students who complete their work early.

XI. Extending the Lesson: Describe ways to extend the lesson concepts, skills, etc. in future lessons or units.

XII. Reflection on Best Practice: In what ways does this lesson plan reflect best practice for teaching? (Consider research about children and their learning and development, current research in the content area, etc.)

Source: Department of Curriculum and Instruction Lesson Plan Format ~ Western Illinois University