Problem: You work for a company that manufactures jigsaw
puzzles for the visually impaired. Your job is to write step-by-step
instructions for assembling the puzzles. The instructions are then
translated into Braille for the visually impaired.
· Sit back-to-back with your partner so that you cannot see
each other’s work. Make a puzzle design using 5 to 7 pieces of a
tangram set.
· Record your design by tracing the pieces on paper. This
will be your answer key.
· On a second sheet of paper, write step-by-step instructions
for placing your tangram pieces into the puzzle you designed. Be
concise, using mathematical terms without drawings.
· Exchange instructions with your partner. Follow your
partner’s instructions to make his design.
· When finished, compare the finished puzzle to the answer key.
Discuss how the designs compare and how the written instructions might
be improved.
Extension problem:
You are promoted at the puzzle factory. Your new job is
to write instructions for the jigsaw machine to cut the frame of the finished
puzzle design. The jigsaw will follow your instructions, moving around
the border of your puzzle to make appropriate cuts.
· Sit back-to-back with your partner so that you cannot see
each other’s work. Make a puzzle design using 5 to 7 pieces of a
tangram set.
· Make an answer key by tracing the frame or outline of your
puzzle on a piece of paper.
· On a second sheet of paper, write the commands you would use
to program the jigsaw to cut the frame of your puzzle. Select one
vertex as your starting point. Use a ruler and protractor as measuring
tools to write a series of steps that will generate the path around your
design, ending back at the starting point.
· Exchange instructions with your partner. Follow your
partner’s instructions for making his or her puzzle frame.
· When finished, compare to the answer keys, and discuss how
the written instructions might be improved.
Math Topic/Concept: properties of polygons, Measurement of angles and distances, Writing/communicating mathematical descriptions and instructions
Materials: 1 set of tangrams per student. Protractor, ruler, pencil and paper
Classroom Use: (Introductory/Developmental/Evaluation)
Grade: 7 - 8
Grade Cluster: (EarlyElem/LateElem/MS-Jr.High/EarlyHS/LateHS)
Illinois Goal: 9 & 7 Geometry and Measurement
Standard: 9B3, 9C3a, 7A3a, 7B3
Applied? (1-4): 3
Source: Super Source for 7-8 Geometry, Cuisenaire: 1998, ISBN: 1-57452-011-3
Answer: varies, depending on student design
Strategies Listed: Make a diagram
Solution: varies
Extensions or related problems*: Students might use 3-D solids to build towers and describe them to a partner who then must build a copy of the tower.
Intended rubric or assessment method: Were the instructions complete, concise, and accurate? Did instructions include appropriate mathematical language? Were measurements accurate?
Notes*: Although the Braille jigsaw puzzle premise may be a bit contrived, technical writing and following technical instructions is a highly applicable skill in daily life.
Write-up submitted by: M. K. Robbins
Zac is going to his friend’s house on the way to the basketball game. To
save time and gasoline, how should Zac plan his route so that he stays
on the streets and does not backtrack? How many different routes are there
from his house to his friend’s?
Math Topic/Concept: Spatial Reasoning
Materials: Map
Classroom Use: (Introductory)
Grade: 6-8
Grade Cluster: (MS-Jr.High)
Illinois Goal: 9
Standard: 9.C.3
Applied? (1-4): 3
Source: Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (Jan. 1999)
Answer: 16 ways
Strategies Listed: Guess and Check
Intended rubric or assessment method: Does their solution meet the criteria? Use class discussion to talk about other solutions.
Write-up submitted by: Denise Mann and Jenni Robinson
Problem: When the snow stopped falling, Kelly, Miguel, and Neha
rushed outside to build a snow statue. Kelly made one large snowball for
the head. Miguel made a larger snowball for the middle section. Neha made
a giant snowball for the bottom section.
As they were getting ready to put the snow statue together,
the children noticed that the circumference of the smallest section was
about 2/3 the circumference of the middle section. The middle section was
about 3/4 the circumference of the largest section. When they measured
the smallest snowball, they found that it had a circumference of about
80 centimeters.
How tall will the snow statue be when the
sections are piled one on top of the other? Assume that the snow
does not compact.
Bonus: The group would like to make another snow statue with a total height of at least two meters. If all other conditions are kept the same, what circumference will they need for the smallest section?
Note: Please be sure to use the appropriate units of measurement, and state your final answer in a complete sentence.
Math Topic/Concept: measurement: circle circumference/ diameter
Materials: calculator, pencil, paper
Classroom Use: (Developmental)
Classroom use comments*: Students may need help with appropriate rounding, and making sense of answers rather than depending on calculator output of long decimal numbers. Using 3.14 or 22/7 for pi work equally well. The pi key on a calculator may give less user-friendly results.
Grade: 7 - 8
Grade Cluster: (MS-Jr.High)
Illinois Goal: 7: Measurement & 9: Geometry
Standard: 7C3b & 9C3b
Applied? (1-4): 3
Swarthmore University’s past problems of the week
Answer: The snow statue will be about 115 cm tall. Bonus: the smallest snowball will need a circumference that is about 140 cm.
Strategies Listed: drawing, algebraic formulas
Solution: Small snowball has C = 80 cm. Middle snowball C = 120 cm, since the small is 2/3 of the middle. The middle is 3/4 the size of the large, so the large snowball's C = 160 cm. The diameter of each = C / pi. Using pi = 3.14, you get diameters of about 25.478, 38.217, and 50.956 cm. Stacked as a snowman, the height is about 115 cm.
Extensions or related problems*: How many rotations will your 26-inch bicycle tire make in a fifteen mile bicycle trip?
Intended rubric or assessment method: ISAT “student friendly” rubric
Write-up submitted by: M.K. Robbins
When Pat came home from the carnival, she couldn’t wait to tell her mother
about the Ferris wheel. Her mother asked how many cars the Ferris
wheel had. Although Pat didn’t know, she thought she could figure
that out because when she and her friend Judy had gotten into their car,
she noticed it was car number 5. As they were going around, the car
directly across from them was number 17. How many cars did the Ferris
wheel have? Explain how you find your answer.
Math Topic/Concept: Spatial Reasoning
Classroom Use: (Introductory)
Classroom use comments*: Use to introduce circle properties and diameter
Grade: 7-8
Grade Cluster: (MS-Jr.High)
Illinois Goal: 9
Standard: 9C3
Applied? (1-4): 2
Source: “Explain It” (Creative Publications) Grade 7-8 ISBN 0-7622-1599-2
Answer: 24 cars
Strategies Listed: Make a table or Draw a picture
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12
13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22
23 24
Other solution
methods (if any)*: Draw a circle for the Ferris wheel and draw
a diameter across the circle, with 5 at one end and 17 at the other.
There are 11 numbers between 5 and 17, so there would be 11 cars between
them on one half of the wheel. There would be the same number of
cars on the other half of the wheel. That would make 22 cars between
cars 5 and 17, and then add on cars 5 and 17, there are 24.
Extensions or related problems*: Lower level: make
a smaller Ferris wheel.
Higher level: Cars are only numbered with even numbers.
Related problem: James is sitting on the ski lift, which is a continuous loop with chairs that are numbered consecutively. Exactly halfway up the ski slope, he notices that chair number 9 passes him on the way down. He is sitting on chair 81. How many chairs are on the ski lift?
Intended rubric or assessment method: Solve a similar problem on their own.
Write-up submitted by: Jenni Robinson and Denise Mann
Problem: Augie, Oscar, and Rupert are married to Lucy,
Suzie, and Mary, not necessarily in that order. Four of the six people
are playing mixed doubles tennis.
· Oscar never plays tennis.
· Suzie’s husband and Augie’s wife are partners.
· Mary’s husband and Lucy are partners.
· No married couples are partners.
Who is married to whom? Who are partners?
Math Topic/Concept: Logical Reasoning—Deductive Reasoning
Classroom Use: (Introductory)
Grade: 6-8
Grade Cluster: (MS-Jr.High)
Illinois Goal: 9
Standard: 9.C.3
Applied? (1-4): 2
Source: Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School May 1999
Answer: Married couples are Suzie and Rupert, Mary and Augie, and Lucy and Oscar. Tennis partners are Lucy and Augie and Mary and Rupert.
Strategies Listed: Make a Table
Solution: Could make two logic tables. One to figure the married couples and one to figure the tennis partners.
Intended rubric or assessment method: Solve similar logic puzzles
Write-up submitted by: Jenni Robinson and Denise Mann
James R. Olsen, Western Illinois University
updated Aug. 20, 2001