Resources ~ Software

Compiled by Math 303 students Fall 2003
James Olsen Instructor

Title: TI-Interactive
Publisher: Texas Instruments Incorporated
Publishing date: 1995-2003
Author (if known): N/A
How do you get it?: You can buy it on-line, and you can download the updated version at
Audience: High School and college teachers and students
Brief description: The TI-Interactive enables high school and college teachers and students to easily investigate ideas in mathematics and science. Teachers can enhance students' learning through interactive lessons that encourage exploration, visualization, data analysis and writing. Students can use TI InterActive to help them master math and science concepts, improve problem solving skills, create great looking homework, access and download teacher-prepared materials from the Internet, and more. Home Edition - $49.95, Teacher Edition - $64.95

Title: Autograph
Publisher: Eastmond Publishing Ltd.
Publishing date: 2002
Author (if known): Mark Hatsell
Cost (or free): There is a 30-day preview on the web; otherwise prices vary depending on who is selling it.
How do you get it?: 30-day Preview at
A list of venders at
Audience: A visual resource for students.
Brief description: Autograph is a PC program that has two modes; graphs, and single-variable statistics and probability. It is designed to help teachers and students visualize mathematics.

Title: Gradekeeper
Publishing date: 2003
Author (if known): Daniel Ethier
Cost (or free): $20 for a single license, $100 for a school license, and $500 for a district license.
How do you get it?:
Audience: Teachers
Brief description: “Gradekeeper works like your paper gradebook. You enter your students, assignments, and scores and Gradekeeper does the rest. Your grades are updated instantly. And you can easily keep students and parents informed using Gradekeeper's clear paper and online reports.” You can print out grade/attendance reports for the whole class or for each individual student. If you are interested in this program I really recommend going to the web site above to get a “Quick Tour.”

Title: Math Kal
Publisher: Math Teacher +
Publishing date: 2000
Author (if known): Unknown
Cost (or free): $119 for each of a five series product or $795 for all to include Site Licenses and lab packages
How do you get it?:
Audience: Marketed from seventh to twelfth graders to include adults
Brief description: Algebra I, II Geometry, Trig, Word Problems, probability, calculus, and linear programming.

Title: Math 911
Publisher: Professor Weismann
Publishing date: Version 2, 10/28/2003
Author (if known): Professor Weismann
Cost (or free): Student $29.95 Non-Student $69.95
How do you get it?: Paypal or mailing a check or money order to: Professor Weisman’s Software, 246 Crafton Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314 (347) 528-7837
Audience: Middle and High School Level
Brief description: Arithmetic through pre-calculus, word problems, graphing, exponents, intro to algebra, trigonometry.

Title: SUMMIT: An Interactive Algebra Journey
Publisher: Addison Wesley Interactive
Publishing date: 1997
Author (if known): Eric Halsey
Cost (or free): $54.00
How do you get it?:
Audience: Beginning Algebra students
Brief description: This CD-ROM package “empowers students to succeed in algebra through the use of video, sounds, animation, and continual student interaction. The learning objectives cover in the Summit program mirror those of a standard beginning algebra course.”

Title: MathType 5
Publisher: Design Science
Publishing date: 2003
Author (if known):
Cost (or free): 99-129$
How do you get it: or 800-827-0685
Audience: Teachers
Brief description: MathType is a powerful interactive tool for Windows and Macintosh that lets you create mathematical notation for word processing and desktop publishing documents, web pages, and presentations.

Title: WinGeom
Publisher: Richard Parris
Publishing date: Nov. 27, 2003
Author (if known): Richard Parris
Cost (or free): Free
How do you get it?: [ downloadable from the WWW, give the URL. If from a vendor, give phone or URL of the vendor.]
Audience: Anyone and Everyone who needs a graphing utility.
Brief description: Wingeom is for high-precision geometric constructions in both two and three dimensions. Drawings can be highlighted and animated in a variety of ways.

Title: Camilot
Publisher: Cami Software
Publishing date: 2000
Author (if known): unknown
Cost (or free): Free downloadable trial offer or you can purchase this software along with ANALYSIS V.2 for 175.00 in South African currency.
How do you get it?: Visit website and you can purchase it through there.
Audience: Lottery buyers
Brief description: This software analysis the past lottery numbers that have been drawn and finds the best possible combination of numbers to choose. (Playing lottery games is not endorsed by Dr. Olsen.)

Title: Probability Explorer
Publisher: Wayne D. Fields
Publishing date: April 1999
Author (if known): Hollylynne Stohl
Cost (or free): Free download (limited actions) Otherwise, its $18 for a single user, $78 for 10 users, and $158 for a school-wide site license.
How do you get it? :
Audience: This can be used in any grade level.
Brief description: Probability Explorer is a software package that allows students to experiment with probability. Students can run trials using coins, dice, and marbles. An advantage this software has, is that it allows the students to see the changes of a given object(s) as the probability experiment runs.

Title: Mind Power Math: High School
Publisher: The Learning Company
Publishing date: unknown
Author (if known): unknown
Cost (or free): Originally $29.99, marked down to $12.88
How do you get it?:
Audience: High School students, in all class levels
Brief description: This program offers a great supplement to learning. It can be set-up in the classroom as a wonderful way to continue the learning by using technology. This program covers math review, Algebra I, Statistics, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus. Also, this is taught with an on-screen lesson that then can go into a quiz and keep track of the students’ progress. It also has real-life applications to situations covered in the math classroom. This is a great program to support a math classroom.

Title: StudyWorks Teaching Middle and High School Math
Publisher: Global Software
Publishing date: unknown
Author (if known): unknown
Cost (or free): $19.88
How do you get it?:
Audience: Junior high and high school students
Brief description: This is a program that can be used to correlate math ideas and to help students prepare for math tests. The program offers “math applications” to help “test-taking skills”, “visual explanations and dynamic presentations” and much more! This program helps to develop the skills of seeing beyond the numbers and seeing the relationships of why math works the way it does. This also works on geometry and spatial relationships and well as problem solving techniques. This is a great supplement to a math classroom.

Title: Win-Plot
Publisher: Rick Parris
Publishing date: Nov 16th, 2003
Author (if known): Rick Parris
Cost or Free: Free
How do you get it?: This software can be downloaded free at
Audience: High School Students and Teachers
Brief description: Win-Plot is a graphing package put together by Rick Parris. The software allows people to plot many different types of graphs including: polar, implicit, explicit, and many types of 3-D graphs as well. The program is semi-user friendly and easy to use.

Title: WinStat
Publisher: Richard Parris
Publishing date: Nov 18th, 2003
Author (if known): Richard Parris
Cost (or free): Free
How do you get it?: [ downloadable from the WWW, give the URL. If from a vendor, give phone or URL of the vendor.]
Audience: Middle School to High School students who want to study statistics further.
Brief description: Winstats provides access to scatter plots, curve fitting, histograms, statistical data, and standard theoretical probability distributions. It also simulates dealing cards, sampling candy, tossing darts, needles and coins. There are two least-squares demos and a confidence-interval demo.

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James R. Olsen, Western Illinois University
updated: January 8, 2004