Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate shall serve as a means by which the opinions and viewpoints of the Faculty may be determined and communicated to the administration of the University, and it shall serve as an agency through which the Faculty may participate in the formation of basic University policy.
In accordance with the authorities delegated to it by the Board of Trustees, the Western Illinois University Faculty Senate and its duly established Councils and Committees meet regularly to promote shared participation in responsible and wise decision-making and to ensure channels of communication by participating in the decision-making processes of the University in the following areas:
- University curriculum.
- Basic policies with regard to campus planning and facilities construction and utilization.
- Creation of administrative positions at the level of Dean and Vice President and the selection of administrative officers for such positions as well as of the President of the University.
- Academic planning and the determination of priorities for the conduct and development of the University.
Contact Information
Faculty Senate Chair: Jeremy Robinett
E-mail: JL-Robinett@wiu.edu
Phone: (309) 298-1967
Faculty Senate Parliamentarian: Krista Bowers Sharpe
E-mail: KA-Bowers-Sharpe@wiu.edu
Phone: (309) 298-2744
Faculty Senate Office Manager: Annette Hamm
E-mail: AE-Hamm@wiu.edu
Phone: (309) 298-1589
Physical Address:
Faculty Senate Office
Western Illinois University
One University Circle
323 Stipes Hall
Macomb, IL 61455
(309) 298-1589
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