Research Paper Proposal

Assignment: Choose a work of literature we have read together as a class. Write a proposal that outlines your subject and research plan for your final paper.

If you wish to research and write about a work of literature we did not read as a class, you must also write a brief rationale and obtain written permission from your instructor before you begin this research proposal. Note that if you choose a work we did not read together in 299, it must be something that you are not reading in any of your classes this semester.

You proposal must include the following:

*Identify the work of literature you are most interested in and explain why you want to research and write about it. Why do you find it interesting?

*How many critical articles does the MLA Bibliography index on this work of literature?

*Which of these critical articles look most intriguing? Is at least one of those published within the last ten years?

*Do you think this work of literature might raise issues that will require more than formalist close reading to answer? If so, what literary theory do you think might be necessary?

*To get the best research available, will you need interlibrary loan? Which interlibrary loan system will be most to the success of your project, I-SHARE or ILLiad?

Format: Your paper must be no more than 1,000 double-spaced words set in a plain font (preferably Times New Roman) with one-inch margins all around. Your paper should rigorously follow MLA style guidelines.

Due Dates: See the course calendar on the website.