Dr. Brian M. Davies

Major grants and contracts (those over $25,000), listed by institution:

Radiant Research, Inc. - contracts under the SBIR program (as Principal Investigator)

Multiplexed Photopolymeric Holograms for Guided-Wave Optical Backplane Aimed at High Performance Computer Applications (Phase I SBIR, $65,000)

Single-mode Wavelength Division Demultiplexer for Bit-Parallel Fiber Optic Networks (Phase I SBIR, $65,000)

(Start dates were all in 1998. The company was later renamed to Radiant Photonics, then went bankrupt after the events of 9/11/2001. The sponsor, the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), has been reorganized and is now called the Missile Defense Agency. The device that I assembled and tested (and took a prototype to two trade shows) was the first viable WDM device for the company, which went on to claim a range of similar devices as a spinoff of this funding.)

CINVESTAV, Unidad Merida (Merida branch of the Center for Research and Advanced Studies), Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

CONACyT (Mexican National Council of Science and Technology) grant, code no. 1856-E9212
"Crecimiento de Peliculas Delgadas de Semiconductores Semimagneticos" ("Growth of Thin Films of Semimagnetic Semiconductors)
Research project, start date 5/93, approx. USDollar 50,000

CONACyT (Mexican National Council of Science and Technology) grant, code no. F358-E9302
"Computarizacion de los Laboratorios del Departamento de Fisica Aplicada" (Acquisition of PCs for Physics Dept. Labs)
Infrastructure project, start date 11/94, but delayed due to devaluation of Mexican currency
Amount: N$ 307,703 = USDollar 89,448 at 3.44 N$/USD (11/94)
then devalued to: USDollar 51,283 at 6.00 N$/USD (3/95)

Univ. of Texas at El Paso

NSF, $25,000 (planning grant, surface science facilities)